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Colored Gillette SS handles?


I've noticed some of the SS and similar models have red, black, and blue(?) twist knobs. It's my understanding - maybe incorrect - that the colored knob denotes the aggressiveness of the razor.

But what about those Gillettes that have a fully colored handle? I've seen some TTO's with black and some with blue handles. Are these just standard razors with colored handles, or does the coloring denote something?

As always, thanks for your insight.....I remain your humble student.
It was just the Red and Blue Tips where the color had that significance -- the Blue Tip being more mild than the standard Flare Tip, and the Red Tip being more aggressive. Gillette referred to the three as the Heavy (red), Regular (plain flare), and Light (blue), as you can see from this old television commercial:

The Black Tip was made of alternative materials during a brass shortage brought on by the Korean War. Most knobs were made of a black plastic, and the handles were made of either steel or aluminum.

The others that you're talking about might be the standard black-handled Super Speed, which was just the successor to the standard flare-tipped Super Speed, or other models like the Knack/Slim Twist or Lady Gillette that were available in a variety of different handle colors. These were purely decorative and had no significance as far as the razor itself goes.
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But what about those Gillettes that have a fully colored handle?

Ah the rainbow Gillette razors.... Fine razors one and all :001_smile

Some of the colors are from age. Others from improper cleaning. A few are from users customizing their razors. The only factory solid color handles were shiny (chrome/nickel/aluminum) or black


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Someone a while back posted a light blue handled one....most believed it was redone that way, but it sure looked nice.


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