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Collectors - What would you pay?

I found this at an antique store. They're asking close to $60 for it. Too much?


  • $1119121350a.jpg
    58.3 KB · Views: 114


Needs milk and a bidet!
i've never seen one, but then again i've never been looking. it looks like the blades are NOS and missing a pack. if i wanted it, which i kinda do now, i'd point out the missing pack, and offer them half, then go to $40 for my tops. i think it would be worth that to me to display on my wall.
I've seen similar displays cheaper while antiquing, but I've never bought one. I agree with DEshave, anything over $30-40 seems too steep for me and that's pushing it..
Make an offer for $40 if interested. It's a nice piece for serious collectors and as much as I love how it looks, there's no room in my modest display case for it.
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