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Cold smoking sausage

Sup guys! I've been bitten by the bug, determined to claim mastery over the humble pig and finally invested in a meat grinder/sausage maker. My first attempt will be a Hungarian paprika sausage made with a blend of pork and beef using the recipe from Ruhlman's "Charcuterie" and I have a question for anyone who's cold smoked sausage - the book suggests just 2-4 hours of smoke, is that really sufficient? I usually give my bacon 12 hours and it turns out great. Any tips would be great as I'm entirely new to sausage making :thumbup1: rest assured that foodie porn pics shall follow when the grinder arrives. I've already invested in the necessary 2.25kg of meat for the recipe. And a couple of slabs of belly to make pancetta, y'know.. Because I can
The time is fine. THe difference is the size your bacon I assume is a half belly as oppose to small links of sausage. On top of that the meat is ground so it will absorb more of the smoke. Everything I have ever made from that book has turned out really well. It's been too long since I used that book.
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