So, I'm thinking of buying a coffee syphon. The one I have my eye on looks to be a pretty exact Chinese Hario knock-off.
They use a cloth filter, and I was wondering, how often does that need replacing? Can they, should they be washed?
At the moment I am drawn to the look of the system, and the reports say they make a very nice cup. I'm just a bit concerned that the care and cleaning will be too much of a PITA, and I'll end up not using it.
They use a cloth filter, and I was wondering, how often does that need replacing? Can they, should they be washed?
At the moment I am drawn to the look of the system, and the reports say they make a very nice cup. I'm just a bit concerned that the care and cleaning will be too much of a PITA, and I'll end up not using it.