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Coffee syphon question


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
So, I'm thinking of buying a coffee syphon. The one I have my eye on looks to be a pretty exact Chinese Hario knock-off.

They use a cloth filter, and I was wondering, how often does that need replacing? Can they, should they be washed?

At the moment I am drawn to the look of the system, and the reports say they make a very nice cup. I'm just a bit concerned that the care and cleaning will be too much of a PITA, and I'll end up not using it.
Can't help you with particulars David, as I don't have one, but some things we have and use because of what they are, not for convenience. I wouldn't use it to make my morning cup, but on a leisurely weekend - pretty cool. As for me though, there would be a huge chance that it would end up sitting next to my French Press, Aeropress and Moka pot.

That's just me though.

I have a Japanese Vacuum pot, and find it makes a nice, clean brew. More along the lines of a drip filter, less like a french press. It does take more time, and I only use it occasionally on the weekend. Guests usually get a kick out of watching it brew. I wash the filter in warm water and let it air dry. At one time years ago I was using it a few times a week, and found the filter cloth needed replaced about every 25- 30 pots brewed.
Yes they do benefit from occasional cleaning or replacement. It's not difficult. Just soak in Cafiza or similar over night and rinse thoroughly.
So, I'm thinking of buying a coffee syphon. The one I have my eye on looks to be a pretty exact Chinese Hario knock-off.

They use a cloth filter, and I was wondering, how often does that need replacing? Can they, should they be washed?

At the moment I am drawn to the look of the system, and the reports say they make a very nice cup. I'm just a bit concerned that the care and cleaning will be too much of a PITA, and I'll end up not using it.
I love my Hario syphon. I've owned it for over ten years and it always make a nice cup. When I used the cloth filter I would rinse it out after use
and store it damp in the fridge in a ziploc bag. A barista friend suggested storing it in the fridge if I was using the syphon daily.

There are two more filter options that you may consider for your syphon. The hario paper filters and my personal favorite, a Cory glass filter rod.
Of the three filter methods I find the Cory produces the cleanest tasting cup. I shot some images showing all three filters and their placement
in the syphon. I own an old Hario Deco 5, but the opening is the same size as a Hario TCA-5, Yama, and Bon Mac syphons.


Another hand up in the air for a glass filter rod. $bth_1sm111iknow1.gif

I've never had any issues using one over the past 3 decades in my Cona siphon.

On a side note. I put the opening eBay bid on a low ball priced Bodum Santos siphon last week and dang, wouldn't you know, no one else bid. Gees... what awful luck I have sometimes :001_smile
I totally forgot about the glass rod! I got one for the Bodum as I didn't like the plastic filter that came with it. They work well.
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