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C'mon, let's mess with Gillette

Im assuming you've tried it, then. You should post a review of the product in the review section. I've found some of the modern gels & cartridge systems work phenomenally well. (Although it has been a while since I've used my Sensor) Especially when one adapts what they've learned from forums such as this. Remember, this is a Shaving forum & that includes Cartridge systems & modern day gels & foams & I'm sure our patrons that use those products will be eager to read your review, as will I.
Alright fine, Captain Buzzkill.

No, I haven't tried Gillette Fusion HydraGel. But I have tried nearly every other foam and gel (including Edge) that's been on the market in the past 8 years, give or take. And while I'm on the record in this forum defending the shaving performance of cartridge razors, I'll gladly take the position that in any blind test regarding "lather" products, when judged on the criteria of slickness, glide, and hydration, soap/cream performs better simply because it's water-based lather. My beef with Gillette is, especially in this country, their advertising suggests to people that their products are the absolute best, and they back it up be throwing around words like "science" and "technology." And they don't give people a chance to decide for themselves, since they don't put out any product other than canned stuff.

I don't think there's anything wrong with taking potshots at Gillette, especially with how misleading their advertising is. Who actually gets 15 shaves out of a Fusion cartridge? And why can't the men who "shave" in the ads have actual facial hair so we can actually see the superior science behind the gel reflected in its performance?
I'm with ya Kevan. Their razor ads are pretty misleading and I don't feel bad telling them so. The apogee of shaving technology is now a multi-bladed, vibrating gizmo that uses extremely expensive and short-lived cartridges? Yeah right. It's all about the $$$$. :001_cool:
Until they can get warm lather out of a can, I am sticking with my brush and soaps/creams.

Several years ago, long before I had even considered using a brush to apply a shaving soap, my wife (then girlfriend) got me a Conair hot lather machine... you just plugged in a standard can of foamy, turned it on and waited a minute or two. It only worked on foamy, and not on gels. (As an aside, my favorite at the time was the noxzema medicated shaving cream in the green can. IIRC, it could also be used as a kind of shave balm post shave.) I thought it was neat, but it was utterly impractical to use. Even now that I've adopted a different view point on the whole shaving experience, I don't know that I'd go through that hassle of using it.
Dude does the trademarked "swoosh" down the whole side of his face :lol:
I have never used a Fusion but just look at the thing......it's got a head like a bastard rat!!!
My common thought is that using a brush and soap method is wetshaving and air pressured canned gel is dry shaving.Wet shaving is using water to activate the shaving product to create lather right?The brush has 3 purposes:to hold water and lather, to agitate the soap, and to apply the lather.Having said that then if you examine the commercial he is doing the same thing using his hands instead of a brush.He is just adding the water at a different point in his routine.
I don't want to be defender of their product so here's a little bashing for ya.Don't worry boys, when that model grows something besides peachfuzz he'll grab a brush and bowl.
I don't know about messing with Gillette, I think Tiger Woods did enough damage for them already. :lol:

The Gillette Corporation now P&G is about the $$$ and remember we wouldn't have these nice vintage Gillette razors available today. Remember a paid marketing team probably spent some mass coin to produce and make the advert, and you know what these advert work for the masses. We all got here on B&B to get a better shave and made traditional shaving a lifestyle choice. Not everyone will want to spend that time for themselves, but it is their choice.

The best way to "mess" with Gillette is when talking with people don't say Gillette products are bad say that they are good, but then add there are products out there that are better, cheaper, and can give you a much better result. Then explain what you do. Yes some will balk at how much time you spend shaving but if anything as it been said before, emphasize that the best thing they can do is use a brush with a traditional cream or soap. If they starting using these tools, even with a cartridge razor, they have better shaves.

Recently I explained to my brother about the way I shaved and showed him a lot products before Thanksgiving. And yes I got "you spend 20 minutes shaving" reaction. So for Christmas, I got him the basics, brush, cream, some witch hazel, and AFM. I did not get him a DE razor for a few reasons. First, I know it is more important to let him find out for himself that these products will produce a better shave, even with a cartridge blade. And, second, it is better to encourage positively and also represent B&B positively, than to pontificate traditional wet shaving and push people away. If you do the latter then the next time you talk to them, don't be surprise if the run away too, to get away from the crazy shaving guy. :lol: I have already "converted" a few people to using DE's and few to just using brush and cream/soap. Besides when you type in "shaving" in a you tube search there is always a mantic video in the top results. I think that right there is "messing" with Gillette.
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it is better to encourage positively and also represent B&B positively, than to pontificate traditional wet shaving and push people away. If you do the latter then the next time you talk to them, don't be surprise if the run away too to get away from the crazy shaving guy.

The way I generally convert Heathen Shavers is by saying:

"Yes Sir! A Fusion is a good razor for a boy to shave with! .....a man uses a double edge."

That generally works! :thumbup1:
To further muddy the waters, here's an Indian Gillette commercial showing a guy putting the gel on a brush and lathering it, then using what looks like either a DE or Injector razor to shave.

I don't think that gel needs a brush to lather, but in a country where shave brushes are prevalent, I guess that's what people are used to.

I thought this Gillette video was interesting too

Mr. Glib Announcer says: "And looking forward, only time will tell what revolution Gillette delivers to the world next." :scared:
Be afraid, be very afraid.

But really, what else is there for P&G (Gillette) to do? Add another blade? Rotating blades?

It sort of reminds me of the Steve Martin routine about adding more speakers to his stereo system. First there was monophonic, then stereophonic, quadraphonic, googlephonic, and then one speaker less than infinity itself. After all that, it still sounded like :9898:.

i´ve learned that if you dont apply it with a brush, its not worth it, simple as that, 90% is in the application, not in the cream/foam, and most of these expendagels are just slap it on crud, theres no exfoliation and no working it in as you do with a soap or cream using a brush,and believe me, that makes all the differance in the world,
My beef with Gillette is, especially in this country, their advertising suggests to people that their products are the absolute best,

'Our products aren't the best, but you really should buy them anyway' isn't going to work as an effective marketing campaign.

and they back it up be throwing around words like "science" and "technology."

are you suggesting that they didn't use any science or technology to create the product?

And they don't give people a chance to decide for themselves, since they don't put out any product other than canned stuff.

Wow, I'm lucky to have moved back to europe before the GilletteMen came to my house, removed all of my other shaving products and held me at gunpoint while I promised to never look at, try, or buy any of the other products that can be bought, whether they are on the same shelf as the Gillette products, or from other underground sources.

I hope they never come to the Netherlands.

I don't think there's anything wrong with taking potshots at Gillette, especially with how misleading their advertising is. Who actually gets 15 shaves out of a Fusion cartridge?

Someone with very soft, slow growing hair and a goatee.

And why can't the men who "shave" in the ads have actual facial hair so we can actually see the superior science behind the gel reflected in its performance?

All you would see is hair being cut, how would you 'see' the science?

While I understand the points you are trying to make, I don't think you've really thought this through.
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