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Clubman "WOW"

So yesterday I went to Imperial Shave(on the web StraightRazorDesigns) with SWMBO to show her how cool the store was and to pick up my first bottle of Thayers WH after picking everyone's brain here re:WH preferences.

See http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showth...ZEL-no-SERIOUSLY-WHICH-WITCH-HAZEL?highlight=

And to my amazement when I showed her Clubman Original and she took one whiff she said BUY IT! So today was my first use of it and IT SMELLS INCREDIBLE! Next time I go big bottle. :thumbup1:
Very hard to beat the classic Clubman aftershave my man. You can spend 10X what that stuff costs and not come close.

Their talc is top shelf too...
Pinaud makes some very nice aftershaves. Clubman is one of the tops. Try some of the others like Musk and Vanilla. similar but different enough to make them "need to get" aftershaves also
I stared at my clubman and av this am, went with AV because clubman usually wins.

btw, I have two bottles of original, one at home and one in my desk. I dig the stuff
So yesterday I went to Imperial Shave(on the web StraightRazorDesigns) with SWMBO to show her how cool the store was and to pick up my first bottle of Thayers WH after picking everyone's brain here re:WH preferences.

See http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showth...ZEL-no-SERIOUSLY-WHICH-WITCH-HAZEL?highlight=

And to my amazement when I showed her Clubman Original and she took one whiff she said BUY IT! So today was my first use of it and IT SMELLS INCREDIBLE! Next time I go big bottle. :thumbup1:

Talkin' about, hey! That's the best scent in shaving, Jack!
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