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Clubman Pinaud verses Myrsol F/Extra after shave

While visiting the states last week I happened to give Clubman after shave a try and at first was delighted by the scent. It reminded me of going to the barber shop as a boy and getting a haircut. After the barber was finished he would always brush off any hair with a brush well coated in Clubman talc. After several hours my face became very dry and with the scent worn off I felt a little let done. This is quite the opposite feeling I get from Myrsol F/Extra. The scent, the menthol kick, healing properties, moisturizing make it a much superior product to clubman IMO. Though the nostalgic scent was worth one use. It brought back some great memories.
All the Best,


Dirty Donuts are so Good.
You should add some drops of glycerin to the Clubman. Then you can have a scent you like and a moisturized face. :)
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