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Climb On! bar, creme, chapstick

Has anyone else become totally enamored of the Climb On! skin care products? I started using the Climb On! bar when I went back to coffee-shop work, which used to really destroy my hands. It's a bit waxy, but that's partly why it works so well, as the wax provides a bit of a barrier for your hands. I like the smell (citrusy), and it works wonders. More recently, I got my hands on the creme they make, as well as the chapstick. The creme doesn't smell as nice IMHO, but I find it's great for the face and neck if you apply it before bed. It's kinda thick to use as an aftershave, but it can help after an irritating shave.

The chapstick has peppermint EO and it is ICY COLD! I find it incredibly soothing, and am guilty of veering off the lips to hit the razor burn by the corners of my mouth. It works so well I'm tempted to rub it all over my face as a post-shave treatment, but that seems kind of weird:lol:

I hesitated to post this little rant, as it probably sounds like I'm selling the stuff. I have no connection to the vendor, I just love the stuff and thought someone else might too.
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