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Cleveland Barber.

Hi Everyone,

Hoping this is the right place for this... (new here) Does anyone have any recommendations on a barber on the West Side? I'm looking for a place that I can also get a shave... (and in my ideal world a shave and haircut would be less than $50)


Hi MJ,

I don't have any experience with anyone on the West Side, but I go to a barber that does a very nice, traditional (straight razor) wet shave in Cleveland Heights. I've never had one done but I've seen him work on others. Also, he finished his regular haircuts with a proper neck and side-burn trim with a straight. PM me and I'll send you the website (I can't remember if it's cool to post links to commercial businesses directly in the forum). If anyone else is interested, I can do the same. As for finding someone on the West Side, I'd check Yelp.

Hope this helps.



B&B membership has its percs
If Joe Roppo is still there on Dover Road in North Olmsted, he'd be the one
Apologies for the recent radio silence. The I'm still very happy with the place I go to. It's called Quantana's Barber and Dream Spa. It appears to be a full service spa (lots of services for both men and women) but the first floor is dominated by three excellent barbers doing some serious men's hair cutting. You might be able to find them online at www.qbds.com or just do a search for quintana's. They're very reasonably priced and very professional. I had a problem with a haircut once ... once. They cheerfully fixed my problem the next day and I've been enjoying many happy returns since then. Depending on how adventuresome you may be, there are likely to be other choices closer to you, but I only know from others have told me - that places exist. Hope this helps.
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