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Cleaning safety razors (UK)

After reading through the various topics I've seen the recommendations of scrubbing bubbles and barbicide but these aren't products readily available in the UK. So for all the UK or European chaps what do you use?
Barbicides easily available as is Barkeepers Friend, Maas is a pain to find and expensive, look for Flitz instead

Scrubbing Bubblers yeah i can't find any UK equivalent of it :mad3:
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I soak the razor in hot water (from the tap) for 5-10 minutes and then clean it with ordinary dishwasher soap and a toothbrush.

If I want to make absolutely sure it is desinfected, I soak the head in alcohol for a couple of minutes.
Don't think any bacteria or viruses will survive that.

But the "soaking in alchol" step is not necessary in most cases.
boiling water is your only man
sure don't ya use a knife & fork when in a restaurant
scrubbing bubbles who what ?
boil boil boil & all will be well if not i'll see you in heaven
After reading through the various topics I've seen the recommendations of scrubbing bubbles and barbicide but these aren't products readily available in the UK. So for all the UK or European chaps what do you use?

Scrubbing Bubbles = Cif Powerfoam (aerosol)
Barbicide = Head to Sally's Salon Services
Maas/Flitz = Silvo (like Brasso but for silver and EPNS)

Generally speaking I ultrasonic clean mine in a 50:50 hot water & white vinegar mix, dry then Silvo - optionally running through a Barbicide wash at the end if it's a new (to me) razor.
I usually put a bit of household disinfectant with boiling water and soak for 10 mins, then i scrub with cilitbang which after looking at photos of scrubbing bubbles on the net seems the same stuff as for poishing mass is available but is expensive so i use silvo and finish off with goodmans polish, lately i have tried goodmans silver dip and that seems to work very well.
Scrubbing Bubbles = Cif Powerfoam (aerosol)
Barbicide = Head to Sally's Salon Services
Maas/Flitz = Silvo (like Brasso but for silver and EPNS)

Generally speaking I ultrasonic clean mine in a 50:50 hot water & white vinegar mix, dry then Silvo - optionally running through a Barbicide wash at the end if it's a new (to me) razor.

If the razor is in excellent condition I would think it is alright to use ultrasound, but if the plating has started to crack, I would think an ultrasonic bath could worsen that - or am I wrong?


My elbows leak
Staff member
Do a search on this forum for boiling razors and you'll see why that is a BAD idea.

The razor gods will let you get away with it just long enough to lull you into doing it to a nice investment, then they will strike terror into your heart with a destroyed shaver.
Well I made a concoction with my girlfriend hot water mixed with vinegar and some lemon juice to soak for a while followed by brasso it looks good shame it doesn't last more soap stains lol maybe I need to rinse more
Well I made a concoction with my girlfriend hot water mixed with vinegar and some lemon juice to soak for a while followed by brasso it looks good shame it doesn't last more soap stains lol maybe I need to rinse more

If you use Brasso you will remove the plating. It's way too abrasive for long term use - use Silvo or Goddard's Silver Dip.
If the razor is in excellent condition I would think it is alright to use ultrasound, but if the plating has started to crack, I would think an ultrasonic bath could worsen that - or am I wrong?

If the plating has cracked, it'll flake off eventually (actually probably quite quickly in use) whatever you do - I'd rather be back to the "solid" plating/handle so I know what I have.
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