A puck of Classic Shaving Jasmine soap came with my Brazilian cherry wood bowl, and I've been using it for most of the past week. Since Classic Shaving soaps have gotten mixed reviews at best on B&B -- see, for example, here (an old thread that predated the reformulation of these soaps) and, more recently, here -- my expectations for this soap were low.
I was pleasantly surprised! The jasmine scent is floral and strong, and not artificial to my nose, with an earthy, fertilizer-like undertone which may not appeal to everyone but which I find interesting. The lather is abundant, protective and slick. Based on my experience, it's hard for me to understand why some people have trouble lathering this soap. Maybe it's a hard-water issue, or maybe it's because I flood the puck with warm water for a minute or so before loading the brush. I do this with all my soaps, tallow or otherwise, and I never fail to get an acceptable lather. (Classic Shaving soaps are glycerin-based and contain bentonite clay, according to the Classic Shaving website.)
Anyone else using the current-formula Classic Shaving soaps? Based on my experience with Jasmine, I wouldn't hesitate to try other scents in this line.
I'm also curious to know whether anyone who's tried the Jasmine gets the earthy/fertilizer/manure undertone that I'm getting, and what your reaction is. I was initially put off by it, but it soon grew on me. I'm a fan of equine and bovine creatures, so I have positive associations with the smell of manure.
I was pleasantly surprised! The jasmine scent is floral and strong, and not artificial to my nose, with an earthy, fertilizer-like undertone which may not appeal to everyone but which I find interesting. The lather is abundant, protective and slick. Based on my experience, it's hard for me to understand why some people have trouble lathering this soap. Maybe it's a hard-water issue, or maybe it's because I flood the puck with warm water for a minute or so before loading the brush. I do this with all my soaps, tallow or otherwise, and I never fail to get an acceptable lather. (Classic Shaving soaps are glycerin-based and contain bentonite clay, according to the Classic Shaving website.)
Anyone else using the current-formula Classic Shaving soaps? Based on my experience with Jasmine, I wouldn't hesitate to try other scents in this line.
I'm also curious to know whether anyone who's tried the Jasmine gets the earthy/fertilizer/manure undertone that I'm getting, and what your reaction is. I was initially put off by it, but it soon grew on me. I'm a fan of equine and bovine creatures, so I have positive associations with the smell of manure.