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Classic Album Discussion -Damn The Torpedoes


"Proper Bob"
I am a little rusty as it has been awhile since we did one of these around here and I don't think this album was ever discussed.

I decided it was high-time we get a CAD going and since I have been listening to this disc lately I thought that a Classic Album Discussion was warranted because this album is truly unbelieveable.

There is not one throw-away on this album. From the hits of Refugee, Here Comes My Girl and Don't Do Me Like That to the scorching rockers of Shadow of A Doubt (A Complex Kid) (my favorite), Century City and Even The Losers show TP and the Heartbreakers at their very best. Still edgy, still rockin'. Even Louisiana Rain which closes out this disc is a fantastic tune.

Giving this album a good listen makes you realize how great a band the Heartbreakers are. Mike Campbell's lead guitar is blazing. This is truly a great album and one that can certainly be listed a classic.

I give you the 1979 masterpiece:

Damn The Torpedoes by Tom Petty and Heartbreakers.


Henry, which platter is up next? :wink:
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Good review, JohnnieG/Bob! A good kick off to a CAD discussion. These are not all that easy to write, I know!

Mike Campbell is a great lead guitar, for sure.

For some reason Tom Petty has not worn as well with me as I might have hoped, though. Refugee and Here Comes That Girl still seem catchy, as do things like free falling. But there was a time when it seemed like what TP had to say would be more meaningful. Consistently good quality rock and roll though. Just does not bring up my pulse or anything! Seems like John Cougar Mellencamp or whatever he is calling himself these days. I feel kind of guilty about all of that for some reason!

Mike Campbell is a great, great player though.
As classic an album as the Rickenbacker he's holding. One part roots rock, one part quirky pop sensibilities and one part Rolling Stones. Thirty one years after its release, these songs are so good it's almost easy to take Tom Petty for granted. Listen to this album and try to imagine hearing these songs for the first time...

On a tangent, I highly recommend Petty's Buried Treasure show on Sirius. Excellent.
I remember this coming out my Freshman year at college. Disco and Saturday Night Fever had taken over much of radio and the night scene. Thank God for Tom Petty, the Police, the Talking Heads and the Clash. They helped pull music back from the abyss with some great rock and roll.
I forgot to mention that Mike Campbell co-wrote and played on "Boys of Summer" and "Heart of the Matter."

<One part roots rock, one part quirky pop sensibilities and one part Rolling Stones. >

And one part Dylan via the Byrds, perhaps ergo the Rickenbacker, famously Mike Campbell's Rickenbacker 625/12, made, by happenstance, according to the serial number, immediately after George Harrison's.

<I highly recommend Petty's Buried Treasure show on Sirius. Excellent.>

Me too. TP is really knowledgeable.
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They are on a temporary sabbatical. They will return.

I assume anyone can start a "classic album" thread that wants to! I always intended to do one on Quick Silver Messenger Service's "Quicksilver." Perhaps my vote for the most oftern overlooked classic.

If someone wanted to get a classic album on that one started, I could probably fill in some interesting stuff I "researched" but never got around to writing up.
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