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Cigars and Pipes?

For years now I have been a occasional cigar smoker. I recently tried pipe (corn cobb) with some bulk and really found it enjoyable. I have been finding myself looking forward to just relaxing on the deck with a pipe and either read a book or just sit and relax.

Now I still like a cigar because I find the flavors more pronounced and they are easier to smoke anywhere. My question to you all is, do you preferre cigar, pipe, or both and why?
I like both. For the reasons you just mentioned. I like the flavor of the wrapper, especially a good Maduro like the La Gloria Serie R. I like to have a cigar when I am with others or have the time to enjoy it. However, if I am by myself or don't have time for a good cigar I really enjoy my pipe.

And because of our enabling brothers here on B&B, I have invested in more quality pipes. (I just bought a new Savellini and absolutely love it)

In addition, I also like the superb craftsmanship of a good pipe. Both the new ones and vintage. Hope this helps and enjoy your cigars or pipe, or both.
I like both. I was a cigar smoker only for about 15 years before picking up a pipe about a year ago thanks to a couple of skilled enablers on this forum (you know who you are). I tend to smoke pipes regularly (usually one single bowl a day to relax after dinner), and bring out the cigars on the golf course or for special occasions and gatherings.
I love my pipes since beginning.... but now the cigar guys are beginning to grind their love into me and I'm getting curious

It's all part of hanging around these parts I guess
Was always a cigar guy. This place got me interested in pipes and it's been on since then.

Cigars have fallen by the wayside.

When I look at tins of tobaccco and I can buy 10-12 of those for $100 and compare that to a box of 25 good cigars... I am having a harder and harder time pulling the cigar trigger. Facotr in the even better value in bulks and it gets worse. Then I say to myself, that $100 dollars can get me 10-12 extremely unique pipe tobaccos rather than one box of the same cigars... THEN I think, "Boy, I got 20 minutes here. Light and waste half a robusto? Or just load half a pipe and let it burn out and save for later if it's not gone?"

I like not having to find a continuous hour to smoke. I am finding fewer and fewer blocks of time like that in my life.

Pipes are running away with it right now. Even though I do truly enjoy a cigar!
I have been a cigar smoker for over 30 yrs and I have fallen for pipes over the past years because of B&B.

i like that the prices for pipe tobaccos are very reasonable, that I can smoke a whole or half bowl and that the pipes themselves are interesting to collect.

I still love cigars, but I keep them for times when I know that I have the time or the company to share. Pipes have really become "me" time
I love a good ceegar - but the one thing that always bothered me about them was the commitment to smoke one. This is where the pipe is preferable. If smoking a pipe, you can smoke a bowl and be done in short order while even a small robusto can take an hour plus to smoke. If it's a cheap burner maybe not that long but for a hard to get Cuban, that's going to the nub!

Cigar or pipe, they're both filthy, disgusting habits so either of them are worth doing.
I absolutely love both. I smoke a pipe if a want a quick smoke or smoke in the house with an aromatic and I smoke a cigar when I have more time, like out on the course or a smoking establishment.
I have been smoking cigars for 25+ years. I have always (since I was a kid) loved the smell of a pipe. I have dabbled with a pipe once or twice over the years and although I enjoyed it, it was to tough to keep lit etc etc. Since I've found B&B my interest has been rekindled and I find I am getting alot of good advice on here from the guys!
I will be keeping both in the rotation though!
I started smoking cigars at first, which I tried like heck to enjoy. But the flavor really never got me. I much prefer the aromatic tobaccos of a pipe and the greater varieties of flavors readily available to me. I just ended up liking the pipe more and it won. Now that I have given it up, I have a collection of really nice pipes that I will need to get rid of. As soon as I hit 45 days, check the B/S/T
I got started with cigars, but my fiance couldn't stand them. Even the good ones caused her physical illness. She was OK with pipes, though, so that's what I went into.

After our marriage and her passing I have stayed with my pipes due to the economics of smoking a pipe. A box of cheap cigars or even a few good ones cost as much as my pipe tobacco does for a few months.

I still enjoy a good cigar, just not so frequently these days.
Cigars for me, but I only smoke very rarely (10x a year at most). I tend to like the spicier flavors and better smell. I had some friends who smoked pipes. I tried them but never really took to them like a nicely rolled corona. YMMV!
I like an occasional cigar but I'm a pipe guy. Cigars are entirely too finicky to store and the cost per smoke is unrealistic on my budget, then if you have bad luck and get one with a tight draw you're pretty much hosed. The other issue I have was mentioned earlier, that you have to commit to finishing a cigar, where a pipe you can leave and come back to with no real adverse effect, or just dump out the remainder and reload since the price is less prohibitive to replace wasted tobacco.

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
I'm a Cigar man myself and I've never tried a pipe.
Q. Why a cigar?

A. It’s hard to describe. I like smoking cigars because then, I can be soothed, relaxed, at peace and can engage all the senses . Also, (OK, OK...I'll admit), I like the image cigars project…a “sense of authorioty,…calm,…and confidence” ("Churchill Style", pg 167).

I'ts comforting to
be able to feel "
The Healing Power of Tobacco". (http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/275407-The-Healing-Power-of-Tobacco?highlight=), but I beleive i
n the end, this poem sums it up nicely. :thumbsup:


"A cigar is a smoke it's plain to see, One of life's little treasures it ever will be
On a warm Summer's day or a crisp Autumn's eve, A cigar is delightful to give or receive.
From its smooth, silky wrapper with its bright oily sheen, To the binder and filler that lies in between.

From its spicy aroma to its wafting blue smoke, Light up in sorrow or while telling a joke.
When others around you just don't understand, Smoke to the freedom you hold in your hand. When life's constant worries leave you in a huff, Just burn them away with each savored puff.

From Churchill to Burns, to Kipling to Twain, Each cherished joining tobacco to flame.
At the end of the day there's no better greeter, Than a cigar wrought with the scent of a humidor's cedar.

Hecho A Mano, it's made by hand, Nourished by sunlight in a tropical land.
You can search the World over near and far, But please, if you do, [don't forget],..a cigar"!


"A cigar is as good as [the] memories that you have when you smoked it". Raul Julia
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I enjoy both. I smoke my pipes more often because not only being cheaper I have a greater range of flavour. I enjoy cigars for their ease of use and avalibility. For an early christmas present I am going to get a humidor and a box of Romeo Y Julietas. I love those communist buggers so much!
Pipe-smoker, primarily. I do maintain a small humidore for when the mood takes me, however I find that I get almost as much enjoyment from the physical and tangible routines that go along with a pipe as I do from the act of smoking. From playing around with and loading the tobacco to maintaining the cherry while admiring the craftsmanship of the briar to cleaning the remenants of a good smoke (while continuing to admire the craftsmanship); it's all part of the process, and all works to put me in that mellow, meditative state.
both- altho the pipe requires much more effort. So, I smoke many more cigars than pipe bowls, but I try to stay at 1 cigar per day, so if I'm at a herf I switch to the pipe after my cigar. I smoke aromatic tobacco, and if you want to attract some good looking women in a bar that allows smoking, I suggest you do the same. More than once has a dainty demoiselle asked me what I was smoking!
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