I am contemplating my first Simpson and would like to pick up a Chubby 2, however I am torn between the Best Badger or the Super Badger. Is it really worth it to go with Super?
I am contemplating my first Simpson and would like to pick up a Chubby 2, however I am torn between the Best Badger or the Super Badger. Is it really worth it to go with Super?
Nothing wrong with asking the question, but I doubt anyone's reply can really answer it for you. It comes down to personal preference more importantly than any characteristic difference between the brushes. And I inserted characteristic for a reason. Not all Chubby 2s with Best Badger knots are created equal. And neither are all Chubby 2s with 2-band Super Silvertip knots.
FWIW, I have a 58 with a Best Badger knot that I prefer hands-down over my Chubby-2 in Super. But I have an M7 in Super that I prefer over the 58. I've learned I don't personally care so much for 1) big knots, i.e., >26 mm base diameter or 2) highly dense knots. Which might suggest I'm a poor person to be responding to your query in the first place. Except I do happen to have both a really nice Chubby 2 in Super and also a really nice Chubby 2 in Best. Problem is I can't compare them for you because it's been so long since I've used either of I don't remember my impressions very well.
So tomorrow morning I'll do the left side with the Chubby 2 in Best and the right side with the Chubby 2 in Super and report back.
But then you still won't know the answer for yourself.
That would be greatly appreciated! I personally am not a huge fan of an overly dense knot and enjoy more scritch from my brush. I knew going in that this was going to be a hard question because it has to do with personal preference and I just wanted to hear what others had to say. So I'm assuming the Super is overly dense then?
I would say that the Chubby 2 Super is dense, but I have a Shavemac D01 Silvertip and a couple Rooney Heritage XL's that are more densely packed than my Chubby 2. I see your dilemma. Simpson Chubbys are pricey in the first place, but to add in the lack of consistency between the best hair and the super hair makes it a difficult decision. I have a couple Simpson two band super knots that are almost perfect IMO. Soft tips, plenty of backbone, scrubby but not scritchy, good flow through, not overly dense, etc..... but my Chubby 2 in Super three band has been a bit of a let down. It's a little scritchy for one thing.... when I expected nothing but scrub. I don't think it's overly dense because it splays fairly nice and the flow through is good.... but overall the feel on my face is more harsh than my other two Simpsons in two band super. I feel a little bit like I got a Chubby 2 in best for the price of a super..... but I've also never used a Simpson in best..... so I may be being a little presumptuous.
If only I could find a 2 band super somewhere, I have been unsuccessful so far. I believe that would be my best bet, however everyone seems to be sold out. Thanks for the input, I just honestly can't justify a 3 band super that is available being worth the extra money over the best knot and meeting my wants and needs.
That would be greatly appreciated! I personally am not a huge fan of an overly dense knot and enjoy more scritch from my brush. I knew going in that this was going to be a hard question because it has to do with personal preference and I just wanted to hear what others had to say. So I'm assuming the Super is overly dense then?
If you want a Simpsons, and based on what you wrote above, I'd say get a Duke 3 in Best and see what you think.
Chubbys are quite dense.
FWIW I really like Simpsons Best hair.
please take it from someone who has both - super and best - chubby 2.. I urge you to consider buying it from a vendor willing to pick out the brush for your. There is considerable variation among both and my best (sheds) is LOT softer than super (acquired here) but has a little less backbone and scritch. Get the best first and if it is what you need/want - you don't have to look further,
I have sold all of my brushes except these two and now I rotate so that each has enough time to dry - otherwise I would not mind sending you both so that you can see what I mean.
I understand your concern as these are very very very expensive brushes.
please take it from someone who has both - super and best - chubby 2.. I urge you to consider buying it from a vendor willing to pick out the brush for your. There is considerable variation among both and my best (sheds) is LOT softer than super (acquired here) but has a little less backbone and scritch. Get the best first and if it is what you need/want - you don't have to look further,
I have sold all of my brushes except these two and now I rotate so that each has enough time to dry - otherwise I would not mind sending you both so that you can see what I mean.
I understand your concern as these are very very very expensive brushes.
I agree with this. If I had to do it over, I would've bought my Chubby 2 Super from my local shave shop. Nothing against the online vendor that I ordered mine from, but they were out of Spain for one thing and I think I got the last Chubby 2 Super that they had in stock at the time. I got mine before I spoke with the owner of my local shave shop and he's the one who told me about the variations in Simpson Best and Super hair. The owner of the shave shop basically verified what inspectoring is saying above.
Good luck with your purchase..... hope you get what you are looking for on the first try.
Sorry to be late posting this as follow-up. I used both my Chubby 2s on Saturday morning, alternating sides between 1st and 2nd passes. They one with a Best Badger knot was a little on the scritchy side for me. More son than my 58. The Super 2-band (note that both 2-bands and 3-bands as well as Manchurian have been labeled as "Super") was considerably softer.
I probably haven't mastered using Chubbys and other highly dense brushes. In any case, they just don't work all that well for me. Both brushes were quite effective at eating soap (Tallow-based AoS unscented supercharged with T&H 1803), but the lather seemed to disappear into a pair black holes. Yet another example of YMMV.