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Chubby 1 vs. Chubby 2 vs.

So I did a quick search and I only found one thread dealing with this issue, and it didn't really address my question

I've had a C&E brush in best badger since high school (I'm now 27), and--as much as I love it--the little bugger is starting to shed. I'd like to upgrade to a silvertip. I was going to replace it with an AoS brush, but it seemed so similar and cookie-cutter that I wanted to try out something different. While I'm sure they're fine brushes, I just want to see what's out there.

After some searching on this forum and elsewhere I think I've narrowed it down to a Simpson Chubby. Now I'm torn between a Chubby 1 and a Chubby 2.

For a little bit of background, I have relatively small hands (I'm about 5' 5") and I pretty much exclusively face-lather. Nonetheless, I'm concerned the "1" will be too small...

I'm open to other suggestions, too. For example, I was also considering the Kent BK4 and BK8.

Any thoughts and/or anecdotes that might help me choose?
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A lot of people have wished for a Chubby 1.5. With that being said, a Chubby 2 with a bulb shaped knot will not feel as huge as one with a fan shaped knot.

Others will chime in but I really like the Simpsons Best hair. If your C&E brush didn't tear your face up you should consider getting a Best knot and save some money. It is plenty soft while still feeling like a brush on your face.
Go with a Chubby 2 or a Duke 3. I've owned the Chubby 1, and the Chubby 2 is a considerably better, overall brush. I can't think of a time where a Chubby 1 would be preferable over a Chubby 2 or a Duke 3...unless your hands are the size of a 6 year old. Now if indeed your hands are very small...well, I guess the Chubby 1 would be a fit.
If you are considering a Chubby 1 in Best, i have to say that you will not find it small at all. The brush is very dense and it is a great face-latherer. i am very similar in height to you and i have found the Chubby 2 on the large size for me and for face-lathering.
Remember a Chubby 2 has a 27mm knot as opposed to the Chubby 1 with a 23mm. Therefore, if you have ever used a larger know on your face, you can gauge how the Chubby 2 will be.
Good luck.
I had similar concern when recently acquiring a CH 1 AND a Semogue 620. Link below is to review and pics for comparison.


Having used the CH 1 a few times now I find it accurate and a great face latherer without having to spend too long loading it: I can't imagine what the CH 2 is like to load and I'm not disrespecting owners of it either. I'm 6' even and almost 200lbs and I don't find the brush small: it IS smaller than my SR and EJ BBB but I find them both too big for face lathering without ending up flinging soap everywhere.
Seems 2 is more suitable.

So get that. Worst case if it doesn't work out you can either swap it for a 1 on here or sell it here and buy a 1.

But get the 2 first because it seems likely to be more suitable.

Keep in mind it is very dense. I know because I just got a chubby 3 and it is super dense. So I can imagine the 2 and 1 being as dense but proportionately sized.
get both, or maybe the duke 3. But the chubby 2 will serve you great. Hmm why not get all 3, that way you can't go wrong.
As stated above, the bulb shape on the 2 band will fee smaller than the fan shape of the Best and Super hair.

If you're going for a Chubby in Best or Super get the CH1. If you get a two band, which I highly recommend, get the CH2.
I use a CH1 Best and also have other badgers that are larger. I do not find the CH1 to feel small and use it frequently. I prefer longer handles to keep lather off my fingers and my fingers off the mug or bowl sides. I do not think that you can go wrong with a CH1 or CH2.
So I did a quick search and I only found one thread dealing with this issue, and it didn't really address my question

I've had a C&E brush in best badger since high school (I'm now 27), and--as much as I love it--the little bugger is starting to shed. I'd like to upgrade to a silvertip. I was going to replace it with an AoS brush, but it seemed so similar and cookie-cutter that I wanted to try out something different. While I'm sure they're fine brushes, I just want to see what's out there.

After some searching on this forum and elsewhere I think I've narrowed it down to a Simpson Chubby. Now I'm torn between a Chubby 1 and a Chubby 2.

For a little bit of background, I have relatively small hands (I'm about 5' 5") and I pretty much exclusively face-lather. Nonetheless, I'm concerned the "1" will be too small...

I'm open to other suggestions, too. For example, I was also considering the Kent BK4 and BK8.

Any thoughts and/or anecdotes that might help me choose?

My advice is get the Chubby2. It has a much more suitable handle,even for someone with small hands like you. I've tried the Chubby1 and its just WAY too small to even get a firm grip !

I have heard the Chubby 2 referred to as "Iconic" and I would have to agree. I had a Chubby 1 and it was just to small for me but I bowl lather. CH1 is probably preferred by guys that face lather. The disadvantage of the CH2 is that it uses more product and the number 2 size is not consistent with the number 2 size of a lot of other brushes. The advantage is that the brush is so dang soft and powerful that it is in a class by itself.

90% of the time I now use only two brushes. One is the Rooney 3/2 in finest and the other is the CH2 in super.

I'm in the minority here, but I say get a Chubby 1 in best. It may seem small at first but it is an excellent performer and a great brush all around. I use it with cream and soap, mostly I later in a bowl and the Chubby is no slouch in face either. I've been experimenting quite a bit with brushes and so far the Chubby 1 is a keeper, over a Duke 2 2-band for example.
Thanks for all the advice, guys! I got a little impatient last night and ordered the CH1 in three-band (partially for budgetary reasons...we'll see if it was worth it). I'm still wondering if I made the right decision rather than getting the CH2 in 2-band...maybe I'll have to get both eventually!
Either one Chubby 1 or 2 will make you happy. Just decide if you prefer smaller or larger brushes. I would also consider the Simpsons Classic 2 (not Classic 1) or
Duke 2. Chubby 2 in best will bloom into a very large brush IMHO.
As stated above, the bulb shape on the 2 band will fee smaller than the fan shape of the Best and Super hair.

If you're going for a Chubby in Best or Super get the CH1. If you get a two band, which I highly recommend, get the CH2.


I'm in complete agreement with Lucas.
Chubby 1 is a great face lathering brush. Not to big and not too small. It is almost the same size as a Duke 2 which I prefer when face lathering.

My comparison of a Chubby 1 and Duke 2 is here: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/285366-Duke-2-vs-Chubby-1-Face-lathering-title-bout

THIS excellent post was the final tipping point for me to get the CH1 - you enabler Turtle!

here's a comparison shot for size reference...

$stable of brushes.jpg
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