what do you guys think. I've got an ohzuku and a nakayama asagi which both are really fine. Should i use chromium Oxyde after honing or not? Till now i have used it but im not sure if it is worth. I know jimr isnt using it after honing. I know, that the chromium Oxyde creates à second bevel and that this should makes the Edge should last longer but does it provides better shaves?Today i'll shave with a razor that was stropped right after the stone. I'll let you know if it was good.
what do you guys think. I've got an ohzuku and a nakayama asagi which both are really fine. Should i use chromium Oxyde after honing or not? Till now i have used it but im not sure if it is worth. I know jimr isnt using it after honing. I know, that the chromium Oxyde creates à second bevel and that this should makes the Edge should last longer but does it provides better shaves?Today i'll shave with a razor that was stropped right after the stone. I'll let you know if it was good.