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Chromium Oxyd after honing


what do you guys think. I've got an ohzuku and a nakayama asagi which both are really fine. Should i use chromium Oxyde after honing or not? Till now i have used it but im not sure if it is worth. I know jimr isnt using it after honing. I know, that the chromium Oxyde creates à second bevel and that this should makes the Edge should last longer but does it provides better shaves?Today i'll shave with a razor that was stropped right after the stone. I'll let you know if it was good.
I don't see any need for it after you natural. I've used it after some synthetic stones to help smooth an edge out. But then again the fun part is experimenting so if you don't mind rehoning it again it wouldn't hurt to try it. Also depending on what crox you use may vary your results since some vary by purity.
It's good not to have fixed ideas with honing. You may find 99% of razors hone perfectly on the J-Nats but some may require pastes to bring out the best. Use whatever tool does the job.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
I find it improves my edges coming off a 12k. YMMV. Best just to give it a go and see.
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