So I was trying a new bottle of Real Shaving Co. moisturizing cream today. Put some lather on my face, started stropping my razor, and the i see a bunch of little dandruff-y flakes falling around the strop, I lean in to see what the heck it is, and then I have to sneeze.
My entire face of lather had dried into snow-flakes on my face. When propelled by a powerful sneeze almost half of it became airborne and is still falling and floating around my bathroom...

(Not actual photo of my bathroom, but I've finished shaving and it is still coming down in there.)
My entire face of lather had dried into snow-flakes on my face. When propelled by a powerful sneeze almost half of it became airborne and is still falling and floating around my bathroom...

(Not actual photo of my bathroom, but I've finished shaving and it is still coming down in there.)