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Christmas In June

I couldn't wait until July to use that title.

This has been a great week at my house for shaving supplies. I received a 65' Super Speed Flairtip in the mail, a 62' Slim Adjustable, 200 Gillette Blue's, 120 Israeli Personna's, 100 Astra SP's plus a couple of extra goodies thrown in one of the boxes by a kind member I had a transaction with; a tube of C.O. Bigelow shave cream, a stick of Arko (which I have no idea how to use) and a handful of assorted blades.

Having never seen a vintage Gillette adjustable, I though the razor that arrived today was a Fat Boy that I'd won in a PIF. Is was so much bigger around and longer than my flairtip that it had to be the Fat Boy, right? Nope. :a28::blushing: Didn't realize my mistake until AFTER I had sent a thank you PM about the Fat Boy. Oh well, honest mistake on my part.

I am really excited to shave tomorrow morning with the Slim. I wish I could shave tonight and tomorrow morning, so I can try both new razors. I never thought I'd actually look forward to shaving. It has always just been a chore that was necessary, not an enjoyable experience. Glad I read the article "Learn How To Shave Like Your Grandpa" and discovered the world of DE wet shaving, and of course B&B. This is an amazing place with some amazing people. Very different from other online forums I've been to.

Now, off to do some research into how to properly clean a vintage razor. I'm sure what I received was clean, but I am one who cleans everything before I use it. Then I'll have to decide which blade to pop into the Slim for it's inaugural voyage. Man, this hobby is fun, and I can tell it's going to get addictive. I'm going to need to re-prioritize a few things in the budget I think.
I've got an H-2 Slim Adjustable too. It is every bit as good as the Fatboy. 1962 is my birth year, so when that slim showed up on eBay a few months ago, I snapped it up. I love it. It is one of my best razors.
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