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I'll be in downtown Chicago for the next few days and it suddenly occurred to me that there might be a cool barber or shaving related shop somewhere nearby that I might check out. Anyone familiar with anything there?
I should have asked this sooner - I'm leaving in 8 hours :p
I'll be in downtown Chicago for the next few days and it suddenly occurred to me that there might be a cool barber or shaving related shop somewhere nearby that I might check out. Anyone familiar with anything there?
I should have asked this sooner - I'm leaving in 8 hours :p

There's a Truefitt and Hill in Chicago. Do it.
My last several trips to Chicago I went by the Trueffit & Hill store on Michigan Ave without going in. I wanted to, but I never did. I wasn't even into wetshaving at the time, but I felt a tug on me to go in... Next time I go, this will be at the top of my list of things to do
Definitely check out Trueffit & Hill on Michigan Avenue. Also go to Merz's Apothocary in Lincoln Square, a great place with a pretty wide selection of shaving stuff. Merz's has an online store also.

A few brands they stock at Merz's

Geo F. Trumper
Jack Black
Royall Fragrances
Provence Sante


Their online store "Smallflower"

+1 on Merz Apothecary

A brick and mortar store that carries the full Tabac line. Enough said.

Definitely check it out
Once you get your shaving items squared away, get on over to Lawry's on E. Ontario Street and get you one of the greatest if not the greatest piece of prime rib you will ever taste. (English Cut, you can not go wrong here my friend.)
I only had enough free time for one visit, so I choose the Truefitt. Dissappointing. Very small selection of products, and they were all locked away where they could not be properly inspected. There were two girls behind the counter who could not have cared less that I was there.
I should have gone to Metz.
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