I find enjoying a fine cheese or cheeses to be just as epicurean as smoking a cigar or sipping on my favourite tipple. In fact I have combined all three and it is amazing.
Thanks to globalisation you can now get some great imported cheeses in the supermarket (even in a country area like where I live).
I love Stilton, Roquefort, Gorgonzola and Jarlsberg and have found some Australian cheeses that are also quite superb. The star Australian cheese IMHO is one called 'Red Square', it is a washed rind cheese modelled closely on Epoisse. It can be unopened and stored in a plastic container and it still stinks the whole fridge out, but if you can get past the smell, it has a wonderful earthy taste that is simply outstanding.
I'd be interested to hear if there are any cheese lovers here and if so what your favourite style or type is, how you use it in cooking or what you serve as an accompaniment with it.
From what I've read there are some great cheeses being produced in the US by small dairys.
Thanks to globalisation you can now get some great imported cheeses in the supermarket (even in a country area like where I live).
I love Stilton, Roquefort, Gorgonzola and Jarlsberg and have found some Australian cheeses that are also quite superb. The star Australian cheese IMHO is one called 'Red Square', it is a washed rind cheese modelled closely on Epoisse. It can be unopened and stored in a plastic container and it still stinks the whole fridge out, but if you can get past the smell, it has a wonderful earthy taste that is simply outstanding.
I'd be interested to hear if there are any cheese lovers here and if so what your favourite style or type is, how you use it in cooking or what you serve as an accompaniment with it.
From what I've read there are some great cheeses being produced in the US by small dairys.