About 2 weeks ago I saw someone mention an ebay seller that sells Feathers for a reasonable price. I can't seem to find the thread or the seller on ebay. When you need to buy some who do you look to?
I got 250 for a great price from Pauldog last year. Also, ntguys has 200 for $80 shipped. I have bought from them and they always ship fast, they are located back east. Also, both are members here so be sure to check the vendor page.
I'm not sure Pauldog, (member here) still does it but you can buy 1 blade for $0.25 or 100 for $25.00 in other words 25 cents each + shipping and PP fee. Been around longer than me and I've never heard a complaint.
Dr Idiot is also a member here and I have bought lots of "stuff" from him. Everything from a Tabac and Irish Moos Shave stick to Feather blades.
I recently placed an order with Dr. Idiot. It's only been 6 days so I assume they'll be here soon. Feathers are my blade of choice so I'll probably stock up on some more soon. I'll probably go to Pauldog with my business next (to try something new), although my experiences with DrIdiot have been nothing but pleasant. I received confirmation of my payment and a PM within 5 minutes of my initial inquiry for a blade order.