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Cheap Trick (another tip)

I am cheap. I know it, and embrace it.

I was thinking about shaving scuttles the other day, particularly the Dirty Bird products, but I'm just too cheap to spend $40.00 on something I was going to use just once a day.

I rigged this up yesterday, and it does the job remarkably well.

1. coffee cup warmer under my lather bowl
2. preheat 15 minutes before shaving

Just right, and lather says warm the whole shave
looks like a great solution. I hope you have many a good shave with the setup.

However, you did make me laugh a little when you said you'd not pay $40 for something you only use once a day. I would look at it more as $40 spent on something that you will use every day for the rest of your life. Doesn't seem so expensive then...
I would look at it more as $40 spent on something that you will use every day for the rest of your life. Doesn't seem so expensive then...

Call me pessimistic, but scuttles are made of ceramic. No way it would last me a lifetime. I know at some point it will meet an unfortunate demise by being knocked off of, or banged into the sink. :blushing::ohmy:
Call me pessimistic, but scuttles are made of ceramic. No way it would last me a lifetime. I know at some point it will meet an unfortunate demise by being knocked off of, or banged into the sink. :blushing::ohmy:

ditto on the electric appliance in the bathroom for me.

Heck! I have a clock/radio, an electric toothbrush charger, the wife has a blowdryer, curling iron and curlers all plugged in on the bathroom counter. AND we've never tripped the GFCIs.
Another tip from Cheap Trick?

Surrender...But don't give yourself away :lol:
Be careful when applying heat to a brush. You can damage brush. Not saying this setup will cause damage ...
I'm even cheaper than that, I simply put my lathering bowl (which is a rice bowl) into the half filled sink of hot water whilst I shave. Works fine.
I am cheap. I know it, and embrace it.

I was thinking about shaving scuttles the other day, particularly the Dirty Bird products, but I'm just too cheap to spend $40.00 on something I was going to use just once a day.

I rigged this up yesterday, and it does the job remarkably well.

1. coffee cup warmer under my lather bowl
2. preheat 15 minutes before shaving

Just right, and lather says warm the whole shave

What about your electric bill?
I'm even cheaper than that, I simply put my lathering bowl (which is a rice bowl) into the half filled sink of hot water whilst I shave. Works fine.

Me too :)
What about your electric bill?

Speaking as another electric warmer user, I know my candle warmer drew only 22W. I suspect his cup warmer draws even less.

Probably not significant in the big picture.

Unfortunately, my candle warmer died (open circuit) after about 5 months of use. :sad:

Fortunately, by then I'd acquired an inexpensive (but worthwhile) scuttle which will last forever.:001_tt2:

- Chris
Where's you sense of adventure? :w00t: Besides, that's what GFI's are for!:001_tongu

GFI? What is that, a VA benefit?


This darn house was built in 1978 and there is no such beasty here. Must of been code by then. But then again, there is code and then there is the permit process.

Glad that that thing works for you, but I have a DB 1.5, and I'll tell ya, there's nothing like it. Its well worth it, and what the hey, you deserve something nice. :thumbup1:
Tried this myself about 3 weeks ago... but the candlewarmer my wife had siting around apparently died quietly quite some time ago. :thumbdown Oh well, I'll keep using my VDH bowl sitting in a blue enamelware cup of hot water.
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