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Changing the Scent of Palmolive

I wondered if anyone had tried to alter the scent of Palmolive soap by adding aftershave or something similarly scented, in the way that other guys here have done with VDH. I don't have an issue with Palmolive's scent but it would be nice to have it with Old Spice (my favourite aftershave) and the original scent is mild anyway. I use Palmolive by grating the soap stick and microwaving it in a small bowl into a puck so my plan is to add a bit of Old Spice before nuking.
Be careful when you nuke it, tallow does not take well to that treatment. Other than that I think it is a great idea. Please keep us posted on the outcome. Personally I find that when you lather up with it, the scent becomes so unobtrusive that it goes almost unnoticed. Performance-wise it is close to the Valobra tallow shave stick at an unbeatably low price.
You can also grate it and melt it in a Double Boiler. Add the scent then pour into the container you want to use.
There is no need to nuke / heat it - it is not advisable unless it is a glycerin based soap anyway.- either grate it or just mash it into a ramekin with a rolling pin.

I have no idea about adding scents to it...though.
If it's tallow, don't nuke it, grating would be best. Adding an alcohol based scent such as aftershave or cologne is already diluted. A few drops of an essential oil or fragrance oil would be a better choice. Most health food stores carry EO and a craft store such as Michaels or Hobby Lobby generally have FO's. Follow the usage rates for the specific EO or FO product.
Thanks for the tips folks. I picked up two Palmolive sticks last night, grated them into a small dish, added a generous quantity of Old Spice and nuked it in 10 second intervals for about 40-60 seconds. Used it this morning. It worked well, lathered up no problem. There wasn't an especially strong scent of Old Spice but it definitely didn't smell of Palmolive. I also thought I'd have a go with Wilkinson Sword. That did almost entirely liquify on nuking. I've yet to try that.

It was rather fun - reminded me of playing with a junior chemistry set.
Tried the "Wilkinson Spice" the other day. Definitely a much stronger scent of Old Spice with it. This doesn't lather as easily as Palmolive but still works well and it easy to come by in the UK. I'd say it was the equivalent of Williams.
Tried the "Wilkinson Spice" the other day. Definitely a much stronger scent of Old Spice with it. This doesn't lather as easily as Palmolive but still works well and it easy to come by in the UK. I'd say it was the equivalent of Williams.

What is this "Wilkinson Spice"? :blushing:......
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