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Change of Knot

What ho chums,

For several years now I have worn my ties in a Victoria knot and I feel it is time for a change. Any suggestions on an alternate? Before the Victoria I wore both Half Windsor and Four-In-Hand but don't really fancy returning to these.

Toodle pip!
Over the years I have tried and used several knots. I have settled on the Half-Windsor as my daily go-to knot. The perfect compromise knot.
The Victoria is pretty close to a four-in-hand, isn't it? I am having trouble seeing a difference in the how to guides. Kelvin is pretty close to four-in-hand, too, it looks like.

What are you looking for in a new knot? Or put the other way, what are you not liking in the Victoria, half-Windsor, and four-in-hand.

I like the Shelby or Pratt knot myself, but I consider it fairly close to a half-Windsor for most purposes, and my guess is the a huge percentage of the ties one sees in the wild are tied with a half-Windsor. The St. Andrews looks like it is in that family, too, perhaps toward a full Windsor.

There are clearly more exotic knots around.


A little poofier than I prefer
When you tie your Victorian, do you pull the tie through both loops or just the last one? If you haven't tried the former, you should. A little rakish, but with the right tie and the dimple just so, its quite dapper indeed.
What are you looking for in a new knot? Or put the other way, what are you not liking in the Victoria, half-Windsor, and four-in-hand.

There isn't anything in particular which I am not liking about my current knots, just gets a little boring using the same knots every morning. Occasionally I mix things up by wearing a bow tie, or a cravat on a Friday.

When you tie your Victorian, do you pull the tie through both loops or just the last one? If you haven't tried the former, you should. A little rakish, but with the right tie and the dimple just so, its quite dapper indeed.

I shall try pulling through both loops tomorrow and report back.

@BigJ thanks for the website link - certainly some food for thought there. I shall practice some over the weekend and maybe try a new one each day next week.
<There isn't anything in particular which I am not liking about my current knots, just gets a little boring using the same knots every morning.>

The Pratt/Shelby should amuse you, then, without any adverse effects. I assume the typical knots are typical because they look typical and do not use up too much neck tie. I have not experimented much, but it seems to me some knots take up an excess of neck tie and/or create an out-sized knot, or go the other way. I find a full Windsor itself to take up a lot of neck tie and to create what often seems an over-sized knot, even on cut-away collar shirts, which it should be perfect for.

The St. Andrews knot looks like it comes out wide and short to me, which might be okay with the right collar.

I am nerdly enough that I probably should not be trying knots like the Trinity. Not that a cooler and more handsome fellow might not be able to use one with aplomb.
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