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Chanel Sycomore

Forgive my fragrant ignorance, but is this a men's, women's, or unisex item? If it's made in two different versions, (male and female), how does one tell it apart?
The reason I ask is when I was reading about it, I have read where it is great on a man. I have also seen where it was described as a woman's fragrance.
I hope I don't sound incredibly dumb asking, but just thought I would since this site has a quite a few people who are experts on fragrances.
I'm a man, there is only one version of Chanel Sycomore that I am aware of, and this is pretty much as close to a signature scent as I have found in years.

Absolutely love it!!!
I purchased a selection of 1.5ml spray bottles of Chanel Men's colognes, and also ordered a sample of this scent. I'll report back when it arrives. Looking forward to trying it out.
I believe Chanel and a few websites will classify it technically as women's, but to be honest it's quite brutally masculine in my opinion. It's sharp smokey woody vetiver. Almost bracing to a point of fault. I love this fragrance dearly, but will admit that it sometimes gives me a headache. Just so acrid, dry, green, woody, etc.

Try it first, but don't be surprised if you love it or hate it.
I wonder why a fragrance house as established as Chanel would market it as such. I wouldn't think any woman would want to wear a heavy scent, and a man isn't going to test fragrances supposedly designed for women. In any event, my samples of all of Chanel's mens colognes came in today, so I will try it out to see how I like it. (Bought a sample of all of Chanel's men's fragrances and added Sycomore to it to see if it's for me.
Thank you for your input.
Well, all my samples came in today and I rushed to try out the Sycomore and see how I like it. My very first impression was that it is something I would really like. (I only dabbed a bit on the backs of my hands to try it out.) I can not quite put my finger on what it is I am smelling, and freely admit to a being a fragance novice. I have to say the more whiffs I get of it, the more I am liking it. The ultimate test will be to see how the wife likes it. She has a very discerning nose and doesn't like most colognes in the least. She likes my Chanel Allure Sport, but it's one of the very few I have found that she likes. Hopefully, she will find this scent as engaging and amazing as I am finding it to be.
My problem now is to figure out how much is enough, without being overpowering. I hate when someone clears out a room with their scent, and I strive to never be that guy. I do however like to have it give off enough that someone notices it.
I have a decant of this. I don't know if it my body chemistry, or the nature of this fragrance, but I get very little noticeable fragrance after an hour or so. It's too expensive to douse yourself in. Glad I go the decant so I know it wouldn't be worth the investment for a full bottle.
I have a decant of this. I don't know if it my body chemistry, or the nature of this fragrance, but I get very little noticeable fragrance after an hour or so. It's too expensive to douse yourself in. Glad I go the decant so I know it wouldn't be worth the investment for a full bottle.
That is the reason I go the decant route myself. Are you sure it's not staying with you and your olfactory sense is just getting accustomed to it? I get this with my Chanel Allure Sport. I can't smell it on me after about an hour, but I have received compliments on it hours later by others who smell it. I'd be interested to hear from those who use it regularly, and see how long it projects.
I wonder why a fragrance house as established as Chanel would market it as such. I wouldn't think any woman would want to wear a heavy scent, and a man isn't going to test fragrances supposedly designed for women. In any event, my samples of all of Chanel's mens colognes came in today, so I will try it out to see how I like it. (Bought a sample of all of Chanel's men's fragrances and added Sycomore to it to see if it's for me.
Thank you for your input.

My friend Karen wears it and loves it. Many frangrance houses describe all of their fragrances as unisex so as not to deter anyone. I think Chanel just grouped all of the exclusifs as women's as they initially were. Sycamore was late to the party.
My problem now is to figure out how much is enough, without being overpowering. I hate when someone clears out a room with their scent, and I strive to never be that guy. I do however like to have it give off enough that someone notices it.

One would think the price would encourage only sparing usage.
I wonder why a fragrance house as established as Chanel would market it as such. I wouldn't think any woman would want to wear a heavy scent, and a man isn't going to test fragrances supposedly designed for women. In any event, my samples of all of Chanel's mens colognes came in today, so I will try it out to see how I like it. (Bought a sample of all of Chanel's men's fragrances and added Sycomore to it to see if it's for me.
Thank you for your input.
I find most classifications of "male/female/unisex" fragrances to be arbitrary, anyway. "Patchouli in this fragrance makes it feminine, while patchouli in that fragrance makes it masculine. The white flowers in this fragrance are bracingly masculine, while the white flowers in that fragrance make it unsuitable for a man." Falderal. Wear what you like. Fragrance doesn't have a preset gender, IMO.
it's not that expensive actually. You get 200ml for $200-240 or something so only really $1/ml. it's a big bottle sure, but prorated it's not expensive considering it's Chanel and Exclusif... Even if you have to douse yourself (what, like 4-5 sprays instead of 2-3?), who cares, instead of lasting you 10 years it'll last 7 years, spray spray spray and enjoy.
M-C, I am of a like mind as you. I will go the extra spray to have my cologne be in my comfort zone, (projection without suffocation). A big bottle will last quite a while. I don't think about the price; just how nice an impression it gives.
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