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Ch1 best simpsons chubby users - a question

Can you generate enough for 3 passes?
- does CH2 uses significantly more than CH1?
- do you feel you waste product with CH2 ?


B&B's Man in Italy
Sir, with a Chubby 1 you can easily generate lather for 3 and even 4 passes, plus a touch-up. Its knot diameter of 23/24 mm is extremely dense and works beautifully IMHO. The Chubby 2 is definitely larger and makes mounds of lather. Is this a waste? Probably yes, but many (me included) like to create more lather than what is actually needed.
CH1 in best easily generates enough for multiple passes.

The challenge you have is loading; that big, beautiful knot is like a 2000+kg SUV - comfortable, luxurious but it takes a LOT of fuel to drive. In this case, soap is your fuel and you'd better load HEAVY.

Love my Chubby...
Sir, with a Chubby 1 you can easily generate lather for 3 and even 4 passes, plus a touch-up. Its knot diameter of 23/24 mm is extremely dense and works beautifully IMHO. The Chubby 2 is definitely larger and makes mounds of lather. Is this a waste? Probably yes, but many (me included) like to create more lather than what is actually needed.

I have a Ch1, no Ch2. I do find that the Chubby 1 requires an appreciably larger amount of product than less dense brushes, otherwise you could run out of lather. I can only imagine that the Ch2 requires even more.
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