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Anyone else feel that Celluloid's just the perfect material for scales? I got a DBQ the other day with blonde ones on it and it's just perfect IMHO. No ego, no fuss, no huge mark-up, just light, hardwearing and functional. I'm tempted to get my ebony-scaled Dovo re-scaled in celluloid. Anyone wanting my scales in exchange for fitting celluloid ones?
In my opinion:

There isn't anything intrinsicly wrong with celluloid. Celluloid is quite functional and is well suited to being made into razor scales (as long as the stuff wasn't mixed improperly, become brittle with age or is giving off corrosive gases to rust the steel). It is waterproof, easily worked and fairly stable.

While I have seen some very artistic applications of celluloid for razor scales (colored, inlaid, patterned sculpted and/or molded), it is most commonly used just as a pair of functional slabs around the razor blade and I suppose that it is this very sort of boring usage of the stuff which gives a slight connotation of lesser quality when compared to other more exotic materials.

But, no, nothing wrong with celluloid... and if it works for you, enjoy it!
what makes it better to you than bakelite, horn or wood?

you cant tell me bakelite has an ego!

The fact that it is making no statement whatsoever (and doesn't have any urea in it) but is perfect for the task from an engineering point of view. Whereas bakelite is a bit brittle and a bit icky to me, celluloid seems less artificial. Maybe I'm a bit quirky in this regard.
Nothing magical about the stuff. At the time it was easy to make, served well and could be fashioned into plain jane scales or elaborate moulded patterns. Its just that they didn't care about what can happen to the stuff down the road and I don't think they intended for the razors that used them to be around for as long as some are.
The fact that it is making no statement whatsoever (and doesn't have any urea in it) but is perfect for the task from an engineering point of view. Whereas bakelite is a bit brittle and a bit icky to me, celluloid seems less artificial. Maybe I'm a bit quirky in this regard.

methinks yes! :tongue:

ive never had celluloid act out - tbh ive scales that I would never have known to be celluloid until I sanded them
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