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Cella+soc+r41=blissful shave

What a wonderful experience I had this morning. I was using the SOC boar brush for the first time, so I decided to bowl lather, otherwise using the bulk of Marco's instructions for lathering Cella. Oh my goodness...I also used my newly acquired Muhle R41 (with an Astra SP) today for the first time. The result was without a doubt the closest shave I have ever achieved. It was truly unbelievable...perfectly close, perfectly smooth and no nicks or bleeders or irritation whatever.

Cella is a wonderful combination of creaminess and hydration and its scent is intoxicating. It's truly an astounding product.
Did you go ATG? What were your # and order of passes to achieve such?

The first pass was straight down.

The second pass was across the grain: northwest to southeast on the left side of the face and northeast to southwest on the right side.

I then did some additional reduction under the nose and chin as per usual.
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