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Cella fragrance - What is it?

What is the Cella fragrance? It is clearly not just almond. To me, it smells like almond 50%, cherries 30%, a mixed floral component 20%. It's deceptively complex.

What do Cella users think?
It's the smell of ......... victory!

No seriously I smell Almond and so does my wife, my daughter smells cherries. I guess it may very well be dependent upon the person who is smelling it.

Ah, Cella :001_wub:
Smells mostly like maraschino cherries to me....not my cup of tea. I never even test lathered the sample I got from Garry. I gave it away with some stuff I sold on the BST
Missing out.

I am sure it is a great soap, but I have plenty of other great soaps (MdC, Tabac, MWF, Mystic Water, etc) that all smell good to me. So forcing myself to shave with something I don't like the smell of would be kinda silly. I did the same thing with a stick of Akro too
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