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Cases only

I just picked up these two razors without cases, and would like to find the cases to go with them. The problem is I'm still a newby and really don't know what to look for. Type, color, material. What do these cases look like?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I have a C1 Blue tip, and a J2 Tech traveler. By the way I have tried the tech with a German Wilkinson and got a great shave, better than my Z1 Superspeed with WM personnas.
As you can see the tech was nasty, but I only paid $5.00 and it cleaned up rather nicely.
I just picked up these two razors without cases, and would like to find the cases to go with them. The problem is I'm still a newby and really don't know what to look for. Type, color, material. What do these cases look like?

the blue tip came in a blue bottomed case with clear top, the travel tech came in a variety of cases- this is one example, these cases have a myriad of covers. they also came in leather pouches and vinyl pouches.
I have the traveler in a similar "Razor 'n Blades" case. The case is pretty dull with a little corrosion on one corner but the razor and inside are mint. Let me know if you are interested.

The Snappy Lunch is a good place to eat. Has Andy's barber down the street retired yet?
one very common travel tech case seems to be this type of zippered case in either vinyl or leather

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