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Carnival of Smiles Contest #3 - Grampa's Blade Jar

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Updated as of post #284:

0 76 93 109 129 152 211
42 77 93 110 129 153 213
47 78 94 110 129 154 213
50 78 94 111 130 155 215
52 78 95 111 131 156 216
53 79 95 112 131 156 217
54 79 96 112 132 157 220
55 80 96 112 132 158 222
56 81 96 113 132 159 223
57 82 97 113 133 160 225
58 82 97 113 133 161 233
59 82 97 113 133 162 237
60 83 97 114 134 163 238
61 83 98 114 134 164 243
62 83 98 115 135 165 250
63 84 99 116 135 166 252
64 85 99 117 136 167 257
64 85 99 117 136 168 260
64 85 100 117 137 169 265
65 86 101 118 137 171 270
66 87 101 118 137 172 275
66 87 101 118 137 173 280
67 87 102 119 138 174 285
68 87 102 119 139 175 301
69 87 103 120 140 176 303
69 88 103 121 141 177 312
70 88 104 122 142 179 325
71 88 104 123 142 182 375
71 88 105 123 143 183 377
72 89 106 123 144 184 425
73 89 106 124 145 186 448
73 90 107 125 146 187 483
73 90 107 126 147 198 3,598,785
73.5 91 107 126 147 200
74 92 108 127 148 202
75 92.5 108 127 149 204
75 93 108 128 150 205
76 93 109 128 151 210

100, and if I runner up, I will PIF it to a recently returned Veteran.

God Bless America, and those who serve to protect us!
180's the number I'm I'm pinning my hat on, but I'm nearly certain it's wrong.

I gave up counting and decided to leverage the power of the our large(ish) sample population or people who presumably did try to guess their very best. So, after computing the standard deviation and discarding outliers, it seems that, unless the majority of our members can't even come close to the right answer, the number of blades in the jar is very near 135.

So my prediction (*makes lots of impressive handwaving and psychic gestures*) is that one of Malacoda, spyoly, dchasef, blades033, laconic1, Mr_Amazing, mr_economy, kooshman7, TSWebster, or superbleu (probably Mr_Amazing) will take it.


(Though, means and standard deviations aside, 87 and 93 were, inexplicably, the most popular guesses.)
It'd've been nice if there'd been a little hole right at 135 for me to guess . . .
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