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Care Packages

I would like to call your attention to a very worthy cause that I'd appreciate your help with. Seems that a congressman here in Florida was working on getting free postage to our American GIs in Iraq and Afghanistan. Just as it appeared that the measure would pass, some folks decided the money would be better spent on pork and pet projects in their states.

If you've ever been in the military somewhere dangerous on the other side of the planet, you probably already know that "care packages" are king. Nothing will make a bad day better than a box from home with...oh...I don't know pipe tobacco, cigars, shaving gear, Mom's homemade fudge, etc. Your political views about the war are irrelevant. We're not talking about politics, we're talking about something we can all do to help a great bunch of Americans out in whatever small way that we can. Having had the privlege and the honor to spend most of my adult life in the company of these heroes I can tell you that they are a national treasure. It should also be noted that members of congress are entitled to free postage as a perk of their job. Free postage to the AORs seems the least we can give back to the common everyday GI for all their sacrifices. There's a petition at the link below. If you'd take time to sign it, I'd be very grateful as I'm sure they would be:

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I think it is a great idea for those serving in the military overseas. When I lived in Japan, dad would send me care packages. I really did appreciate them and the shipping cost was horrendous. I also think you are right about the politicians getting all the perks- but don't get me started on that:rolleyes:
1 under 1 lb flat rate box or envelope is right at $30 to Bagdad. We send 3 twice a month. Sometimes new packs of lenses for goggles/straps, socks, little 1 watt led flashlites for trading and always lots of gum and candy.

dah me, not that it woud have mattered but I didn't even know about the bill, typical. God forbid they do something for someone else if nothings in it for them:mad3: O well, over there

"The only easy day was yesterday"

And your right those packages are treasures

Semper Fi
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Yeah, there's nothing like getting a package. The one thing that you can't do by email. It doesn't matter what you get--it means a lot.
I've scrubbed my mind of most of the less than pleasant memories, but until my dying day I will fondly recall the feeling I got from receiving a care package.
Apparently the most appreciated thing last year was "wet wipes", according to a Mne friend, "There's only so many times you can wipe sand in your crack......" Lovely I know, but at least I know they were appreciated LOL :D

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