I love em'
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I like them, but find they can taint the flavour of certain foods - in particular fruits.
Anyone else notice this?
Chris, I find that once you get a nice patina on them this is greatly reduced if not completely eliminated.
For some reason, even my oldest carbon knife seems to taint (very slightly) the flavour of mango and pineapple.
For some reason, even my oldest carbon knife seems to taint (very slightly) the flavour of mango and pineapple.
OK Jim, stop the knife porn. Let's just buy one!...
I have wonderful Old Hickory knives all made before the Korean War. Some before ww2. They can be shaving sharp with very little work. My wife don't like the add maintence and cleaning issues with them though.
Carbon steel - forbidden in commercial kitchens.
My wife is to my Hiromoto Aogami Super as the Devil is to the Lord God.
I can either be married or have carbon blade knives, but not both.
My wife is to my Hiromoto Aogami Super as the Devil is to the Lord God.
I can either be married or have carbon blade knives, but not both.
I know your pain.
My great challenge is keeping my mother-in-law, who lives with us, from trying to scour what she considers "that dirty black" coating from my cast iron skillets, putting various wood-handled utensils in the dishwasher or using one of my carbon knives, rinsing it off, then leaving it out to air-dry.
The kitchen isn't big enough for both of us.
The AS is probably the easiest carbon knife to own. Just a few mm of carbon sticks out.