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Captain's Choice vs Dominica Bay Rum

Can someone describe the difference between these two? I recently smelled Pinaud Clubman Bay Rum and couldn't stand it. Are these going to smell similar?

How are the two different?


Do not be turned off from Bay Rum due to the Pinaud scent, it isn't a true bay rum.

Now my nose may be different but my Captain's Choice has a much more Spice/Citrus scent that lingers for some time. My impression of the Dominica is that it is a basic bay rum, alcohol and bay oil with some additional subtle fragrances I can't quite identify. Either brand performs great and does not have the strong clove scent found in some of the other brands.

Capt's Choice is a much more complex scent that lingers for a decent time more than other brands. Dominica in my opinion fades after 15-20 minutes so it shouldn't interfere with a cologne applied later on. Capt's Choice is not cheap, but there is much more going on in the bottle......

In the end......YfreakinMMV:blink:
I've tried both and FreddyKrugerFace sums it up well. Domenica is rather basic. Smells nice and is a "clean" Bay Rum. Capt's Choice is more complex but a great, longer lasting scent. I also believe Capt's Choice has a touch of glycerin in it to help sooth the face a bit. Dominica is pretty much alcohol - a bit more burn with it than Capt's Choice.
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