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Captain's Choice - My thoughts

As a newbie, my thoughts on the matter may or may not be of consequence, I'm mostly curious if I'm the only one.

I ordered their sample sizes last week, and was really excited to try them out. Both Bay Rum and Co9T. I haven't used many other aftershaves. Mostly Aqua Velva.

Anyways. I love the feel from both of these, especially that of Co9T. It's a smooth burn, and one that lasts well into the cold morning air. And I appreciate the scent. My problem with both of these is the immediate smell. Yesterday I tried Bay Rum for the first time (ever trying any bay rum) and made the mistake of inhaling shortly after application. I was overwhelmed. Short coughing fit later and I was appreciating my subtle stench. Figured It's something I could beat, so when I tried Co9T the next day, I decided to hold my breath in an attempt to kept from being knocked on my bottom. Well, it wasn't as strong, but unfortunately the power behind my intake compensated and I was equally overwhelmed.

Is this a common issue with Aftershaves? Bay Rum scents? Or is this overpowering 30 seconds unique to Cap's choice?

My assessment, I really like the product, but I may see what else is out there for me. The pro's outweigh the con's here, but it might not be the product for me.
As a newbie, my thoughts on the matter may or may not be of consequence, I'm mostly curious if I'm the only one.

I ordered their sample sizes last week, and was really excited to try them out. Both Bay Rum and Co9T. I haven't used many other aftershaves. Mostly Aqua Velva.

Anyways. I love the feel from both of these, especially that of Co9T. It's a smooth burn, and one that lasts well into the cold morning air. And I appreciate the scent. My problem with both of these is the immediate smell. Yesterday I tried Bay Rum for the first time (ever trying any bay rum) and made the mistake of inhaling shortly after application. I was overwhelmed. Short coughing fit later and I was appreciating my subtle stench. Figured It's something I could beat, so when I tried Co9T the next day, I decided to hold my breath in an attempt to kept from being knocked on my bottom. Well, it wasn't as strong, but unfortunately the power behind my intake compensated and I was equally overwhelmed.

Is this a common issue with Aftershaves? Bay Rum scents? Or is this overpowering 30 seconds unique to Cap's choice?

My assessment, I really like the product, but I may see what else is out there for me. The pro's outweigh the con's here, but it might not be the product for me.

I suspect you will get a mixed response here. I love the CC products- my only complaint is the scent doesn't last long enough. That being said- it is an aftershave, not a frag. Any aftershave I use, CC or otherwise, is at its strongest right after application. Maybe try applying it under your nose last.
I love both CC and Co9T. I don't get that strong, overwhelming smell that you talked about. I feel the same as Joe in that I wish the scent lasted even longer. It's great IMO!
I love both CC and Co9T. I don't get that strong, overwhelming smell that you talked about. I feel the same as Joe in that I wish the scent lasted even longer. It's great IMO!

+1 I take a deep breath in through my nose after application so that I can enjoy the scent even more.

Maybe you need to shake the bottle or something? I dunno...
I like CC very much, but the initial aroma I detect is witch hazel, which I find a little unpleasant. It dissipates quickly, however, and CC leaves my face feeling great.
I might just have an aversion to witch hazel, then. Because what ever is so powerful for me is quickly gone, leaving me with a nice smelling, great feeling aftershave.
I only get this type of initial blast with Mennen Skin Bracer. It is very chemically upon application, almost unpleasant, but it mellows out soon after. I don't get the same with any of the rums I've tried, though.
I've never thought about it until now but I started growing my mustache at the same time I started DE shaving so I've never shaved my upper lip or used aftershave on it. I would assume putting AS right there under your nose could be a bit strong while the alcohol dries off.
I love both products. Both products leave my face feeling great. I have never had a coughing attack after putting on aftershave. To each his own, everyone reacts differently.
I have both the Captain's products.
The initial minute it is strong but tapers off nicely. I have a mustache so in all fairness,I don't get the product right under the nose so although strong, it is not overwhelming.
That said, like others, I do wish the scent lasted a bit longer.
Still great products that will always be a part of my den.
I think it might be the witch hazel. I think I just have an aversion. Other aftershaves treat me well, even the ones strong of scent. This being my first bay rum, though, I'm new to witch hazel.

It seems to be getting more reasonable with each application, so I think I'll find myself continuing to use it. That and I just love supporting not only small vendors, but members as well.

I just wish SOMEONE....no, make that ANYONE would ship the damn staff to Australia so I could try it myself.

These threads are torture!

Anyone who wants to send me some and is willing to be paid by paypal for all their trouble PM me; I'll make it worthwhile!


(rant over)
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