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Captain's Choice apparently has a new use


For those of you who haven't had a chance to LIKE us on Facebook I thought you may find this interesting. By the way, LIKE us to keep up to date!

From our Facebook here is what was just posted:

Captain's Choice may have more than one use...

I had a fun followup email from a customer today. Here is the initial email followed up by her note to me today.

Her inquiry to me in July:

"So i was told to try the Bay Rum as a female....yes as a female. So i will order the sample pack and get back to you. But i was also told Bay Rum works great on insect bites...can you concur this lost knowledge?"

Her followup just today, a month later:

"Hi Scott,

You can add bug bite soother to your list of fabulous ways Bay Rum works!! Took it with us to Grand Cayman and the lil bugs down there loved my friend and my daughter. A lil bay rum to the rescue and they both were reaching for it each night. Thank you!!!"

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