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"Can't I just dip my toe into straight-shaving just to *try* it? PIF #1

This is open to any CONUS wetshaver who always wondered what it was like to try a straight razor shave but didn't want to invest anything to do so (this was me a couple years ago). For example, if you've thought "50 bucks for a razor? 100 bucks? plus a strop? and hones? how many hones? Holy schmoley Batman, that investment is too much for me just to try it out, only to find out that I don't like it, and I don't want to go through the hassle of reselling it and shipping it and all that."

This is for you.

All that is required are three things:
  • you respond below with a "Yes, I'm in, I wanna try what those guys over here (http://badgerandblade.com/vb/forumdisplay.php/32-General-Straight-Razor-Talk) are going on about."
  • you try it within a week of receiving it
  • you post a thread here (http://badgerandblade.com/vb/forumdisplay.php/79-Straight-Razor-Shave-Clinic) about your experience after you give it a try, whether you like it or not

What you get in this deluxe package:
  • a shave-ready-to-my-standards-cuz-I-shave-tested-it Gold Dollar 66, with the shoulders removed, stropped, oiled, ready to shave. Will be sanitized with lysol and a few minutes under some UV-C light.
  • uhh....the original packaging
  • umm....my best wishes?

Yup, no strop, no hones, just the raw power of a shave-ready edge on a GD66. Is it pretty? no, but gets the job done. Is it an heirloom? no, but it could last you a lifetime. Can it shave? yes, my experience is yes. Others experience is yes. http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/273180-Competition-3

Here's a pic of one I sent out a week or two ago as a test run to a guy. Feel that pure elegance of the 3-dollar wonder on a piano...

Now, if you find you like the whole idea after you shave with it once, you can start building your kit around it (a fancier razor, a cheap strop, maintenance kits, hones, lapping film, whatever). If you don't like it, hey, dull it, stick it in a cabinet, and maybe in a couple years you'll get the hankering again (at which point it will need honing again). The point is, YOU WILL HAVE TRIED A STRAIGHT! How many people can say that?

I purchased this thing, removed the shoulders, and honed it up with the sole intention of doing this PIF -- think about it as my 1000th post PIF series. In fact, I have a few more sitting on my desk that I will be PIFing the same way over the next weeks as I can get around to it, just cuz I like to let people try something that may be on their bucket-list of life. If you don't win this time, there will be some more chances later.

Some hints to get you started:
  • thou shalt read Larry's straight razor usage manual beforehand: http://www.whippeddog.com/app/webroot/userfiles/StraightRazorShaving_Manual(5).pdf
  • thou shalt carefully wipe the oil off the blade and tang with a tissue, being careful not to drag the tissue along the cutting edge.
  • thou shalt not allow the edge to touch anything other than strop, hair/whiskers, or skin (delicately)
  • thou shalt keep instrument away from young kids
  • thou shalt use a slightly wetter lather than you would with a DE
  • thou shalt enjoy thyself and be proud for even trying The Way of The Straight.

Let's roll. I'll close this PIF when I feel like it, something like a week or so from now, choosing a random entrant using random.org. I'll open the next one after I get around to prepping it properly, which will most certanly be after this one closes.
It figures! I just had my first straight shave last week and that disqualifies me! Nice PIF nevertheless!
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