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Canadian Single Ring?

Picked up a Single Ring last night on the 'Bay. I think I did really well on this one. Auction link.

It lists it as having a Canadian patent number. Does that mean it was made in Canada? If so, any substantial differences? Serial number puts it as 1912 manufacture, unless they were different in Canada.

It appears it is silver plated, if so, it should really shine with the aluminum/baking soda in boiled water method!
Yes. It would have been made in the Montreal plant. There was a separate serial numbering scheme ("PC" prefix) for some Canadian pieces such as the Bulldogs and Aristocrats, but I feel some more regular production types must have used the American numbering scheme. Yours seems to match that. I have yet to be able to verify any of this, though. I am only going off what seems logical. Occam's Razor, let's say.

Nice set, by the way.
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Thanks! (I should just append that to my signature, Thanks AG :biggrin:).

This is cool for me in another way. My Great Grandfather came to the USA from Quebec Province (probably a bit before this was made), so this set is following along 3 generations later (and it's coming from it's Canadian home to me).
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