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Can you strop too much

As a Newbie, I was wondering, is it possible to strop a razor too much? I have been told that people strop between 20 - 50 times before each shave. Which is best? Is more always better or can you strop too much?

Also, I just received a new shave-ready razor, and was told not to strop it before I use it. But wouldn't that make it even sharper?
I think someone here had posted SEM (scanning electron microscope) pics a while back showing what the edge looked like after 100 laps on a strop...then 200, 300, 400, etc etc...IIRC, the edge reached a "plateau" where there were minimal changes after a certain number of laps..

anyone know what I'm referring to? Or did I dream that up?? :tongue_sm

I usually strop 30/60 linen/leather. That seems to be the magic number for me...
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IMO you can't really overstrop. As JP stated, you'll reach a point where it's not doing anything, but I don;t believe it will break down your edge. that said, if you are new it's a double edged sword. You want/need the practice to get comfortable but each pass is another chance you slip up. My advice- go cautiously on the higher end of the range to start. Everyone settles in to a different # though. Many of us dont really even count anymore.
I think someone here had posted SEM (scanning electron microscope) pics a while back showing what the edge looked like after 100 laps on a strop...then 200, 300, 400, etc etc...IIRC, the edge reached a "plateau" where there were minimal changes after a certain number of laps..

anyone know what I'm referring to? Or did I dream that up?? :tongue_sm

I saw those pictures and they showed that the edge is damaged by too much stropping (around 1000 laps cumulative) and that 20 laps was sufficient for daily routine.
But then I found out you can't shave with pictures, so never mind.


B&B's Man in Italy
I don't believe in overstropping. As pointed out above stropping too much can be worthless, but it won't damage your edge if properly done. A good reference point can be 25/50 or 30/60 laps for linen/leather. IMHO.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
As a Newbie, I was wondering, is it possible to strop a razor too much? I have been told that people strop between 20 - 50 times before each shave. Which is best? Is more always better or can you strop too much?

Also, I just received a new shave-ready razor, and was told not to strop it before I use it. But wouldn't that make it even sharper?

The seller said not to strop because he probably already has. Although it is hard to overstrop a razor if your technique is good, there is a possibility that a newbie might have a bum stroke or two and mess up the edge. The seller was basically saying "give the blade its first try while we both know it is good."
Psst. I'll let you in to a secret...
The real point of stropping is to tire out your arms so you are more relaxed as you shave and don't apply excessive force. So just stop when your arms are tired. :wink2:
May not hurt your edge, but why strop excessively? There is no apparent upside, only downside risk (e.g., drop your razor, cut your strop, etc.). How do I know? Just ask my K3 . . . .

Oh, and you might go blind.
This guy used to strop way too much, now look at him:
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