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Can Someone Help Me Decide About Getting A Paypal Account

Evening gents. This sounds kind of goofy given the era of everyone and their brother using Paypal accounts for eBay and other payment needs. I have been to their site and frankly, it is not as clear cut as they make it sound. For instance, I have been following a few items on eBay. Almost every seller whether a store front or individual has as their preferred or accepted (mostly accepted which I take it means exclusively) "Credit or Debit card through Paypal". Can someone elabourate on this?

I have purchased stuff before from vendors and was able to pay by credit card through their checkout with no Paypal account on my part. I have avoided Paypal for a long time because to put it bluntly, they had a LOT of legal and ethical issues I didn't like. I see from looking at their site that since being sued in class action and then being fined by a couple of states they now at least list a phone number if you look for it. Okay, so lets say I am ready for this since if you want to buy anything off the bay is it about mandatory. How would you set this up? I take it that when I see "credit card accepted through Paypal" I need a Paypal account myself. Correct?

I suppose a personal account is easiest since my buying at eBay is about once a year. Okay fine. When I set this up should I get a separate savings account at the bank and affiliate it with that? I really don't want anyone having access to my primary accounts. If I associate it with a credit card, is this going to waive my buyer protection rights if something goes amiss? I mean, is the card "stuck" with being debited by Paypal no matter if I think it has been over charged? Again, these terms are not very clear on the PP site. Thanks guys. Sorry to sound so dumb but this is new to me.

Regards, Todd


My elbows leak
Staff member
I opened a separate checking account, which had a Debit Card.
I used that account and card as my source for Paypal.
I transfer funds into that account from my Primary account when it gets low, or if I'm looking at a larger purchase.
The funds are transferred immediately when I make a purchase with this account, and with a limited amount of money in the account, if anything should go haywire, I'm not on the hook for my entire primary account, just the amount that is in the Paypal used checking account.
If sales are made, you can transfer the funds into that account via paypal, and then draw it down using the Debit Card at any ATM.
That's how I do it, YMMV
I set up an account and linked it to my existing Mastercard account. Charges show up on my Mastercard for all the razors I buy on E-bay. Simple.
Evening gents. This sounds kind of goofy given the era of everyone and their brother using Paypal accounts for eBay and other payment needs. I have been to their site and frankly, it is not as clear cut as they make it sound. For instance, I have been following a few items on eBay. Almost every seller whether a store front or individual has as their preferred or accepted (mostly accepted which I take it means exclusively) "Credit or Debit card through Paypal". Can someone elabourate on this?

I have purchased stuff before from vendors and was able to pay by credit card through their checkout with no Paypal account on my part. I have avoided Paypal for a long time because to put it bluntly, they had a LOT of legal and ethical issues I didn't like. I see from looking at their site that since being sued in class action and then being fined by a couple of states they now at least list a phone number if you look for it. Okay, so lets say I am ready for this since if you want to buy anything off the bay is it about mandatory. How would you set this up? I take it that when I see "credit card accepted through Paypal" I need a Paypal account myself. Correct?

I suppose a personal account is easiest since my buying at eBay is about once a year. Okay fine. When I set this up should I get a separate savings account at the bank and affiliate it with that? I really don't want anyone having access to my primary accounts. If I associate it with a credit card, is this going to waive my buyer protection rights if something goes amiss? I mean, is the card "stuck" with being debited by Paypal no matter if I think it has been over charged? Again, these terms are not very clear on the PP site. Thanks guys. Sorry to sound so dumb but this is new to me.

Regards, Todd
.......I feel the same...I don't use paypal either...it is more of your highly personal information loaded into another memory bank somewhere....
I've been using PayPal as a buyer and a seller ever since they started up (before they were gobbled by dbay) and I've never had any problems widdem.

Quite like Phil's approach, I have a checking account hooked to the paypal acct - when things are good, money goes into the checking acct from Paypal - when ADs are afire, it goes the other way!

As I say, I've never had problems with 'em - and with my very very small business, it lets me accept cc that I otherwise couldn't.

I like 'em.
You don't need any special account or access if the seller accepts "credit card through Paypal". If you're a buyer, it's just a regular credit card transaction. The seller pays all the fees involved.
I have been a paypal user for over 10 years and have not had a single issue with them. I have had them linked to credit cards and checking accounts, and used them to receive money, again, all without issue. the only negative thing I could say about paypal would be that their website can be a bit confusing at times.
Although I wish it weren't so, I think I will have to do this. A few more things. About buying with credit cards. If a seller can accept them, why do some need you to have a PP account and others don't? Does it have to do with having a merchant/store front account? For you chaps who buy from an individual who accepts credit cards. What is the routine? I like Phil's idea of a separate debit/credit card along with the checking account. Does PayPal always treat them as a debit or can you select credit option at checkout to have some semblance of CC buyer protection? Thanks guys.

Regards, Todd
You don't need any special account or access if the seller accepts "credit card through Paypal". If you're a buyer, it's just a regular credit card transaction. The seller pays all the fees involved.

This is kind of what I was wondering. Seller A accepts you bid and says pay with credit card. You, buyer B goes to the "pay now" or whatever it is and enters your credit card info and pays. And I do NOT need a PayPal account to do this? Even with an individual? Sorry for the dumb questions but as you see, conflicting info reigns on the 'bay.

Regards, Todd
I take it that when I see "credit card accepted through Paypal" I need a Paypal account myself. Correct?

No, that's not correct. If you pay an online merchant with your credit card, it means that they process the transaction through THEIR PayPal account. You don't need to open an account of your own in this case.

But you should. Its easy, its convenient. PayPal is the de-facto Coin of the Realm here on B&B.

If you only deal with online vendors, you can probably get away with just using your credit card for transactions. But if you buy something from an individual, you'll need a common currency to complete the deal. This where PayPal comes in handy.

If you order something from overseas, PayPal has favorable rates for converting to and from GBP and Euros and USD. This alone will save you a ton of money if, for example, you order from the gbkent store on eBay.

PayPal is safe. They've got all the bugs worked out of the system. The set-up process is easy. Although it takes a few eMails back and forth between you and them, it shouldn't take you any longer than 48 hours until you're up and running.
As far as Paypal v.s. credit card merchant payments: Would you rather have one publicly traded responsible corporation have access to your credit card number or several dozen ebay merchants that only have to answer to "stars" and feedback percentage have access to your credit card number?
I've been using paypal for years and never had any problems. I like the fact that when I send or recieve money that the other person only gets ot know my e-mail addressa dn that is it. They never even see my credit card details.
I would MUCH rather have PayPal have my details stored than give then out ot every tiny seller I deal with.

Also I once had a dispute with an ebay seller over something I never recieved and both PayPal and ebay were very good at helping me get my money back because PayPal had a log of me sending the money. Now had I just sent the money to the seller it would be my word against theirs with no proof.
I waited on PP-- but now a satisfied customer for 4 years or so. Even had a problem--I am impatient -- and double cliked on the pay--knowing i did it-- i used their site and verified a few transactions were within seconds-same $$ and called customer service who cancelled one.

PP taken at most sites easy to use IMO...
I have been a Paypal user for years. No problems with them. My paypal account is linked to my primary checking account. If I buy something online, and my paypal account is empty (and it usually is), they transfer the amount needed from my checking account to pay the seller.

If you are a buyer, you do not pay any fees, even if your paypal account is linked to a credit card. The seller pays those fees. Also merchants do not see your credit card or checking account information at all. They only see the email address that you used to set up your paypal account.

If you are a seller, then there are other things you want to know, but that's it for buying using Paypal. I use it whenever possible, instead of tediously typing my credit card info and shipping address for any little mail-order transaction. I don't like typing out my cc info so many times into so many different shopping carts.
Why? Would you share with the rest of us so that we might learn from your experience? Thanks.

You know, problems happen. It's how a company responds to a problem is what's REALLY important. I had a problem regarding a fraudulent charge from some random file sharing website I've never used. Paypal did not respond to a single one of my emails about the problem. Just locked my account and turned their back on me.


Goose Poop Connoisseur
The only thing I have against them is that they are very anti-gun which is not a practical problem.

I set up a checking account about three years ago for internet use only and I keep a minimal amount of money in it and it isn't through my primary bank.

I just entered my debit card number or maybe account number, I don't remember which, and established a Pay Pal account. If I get hit with an unauthorized use, they can't get much money and I can get a new card and number from my bank for six bucks and don't have to argue with Pay Pal.

I never felt safe using my primary checking over the intenet and since the work around is so simple, there was no reason to expose it. Also, I used a Credit Union so I would get free checking which should remain free since credit unions aren't subject to the new banking regulations. My Obama dodge.
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