Evening gents. This sounds kind of goofy given the era of everyone and their brother using Paypal accounts for eBay and other payment needs. I have been to their site and frankly, it is not as clear cut as they make it sound. For instance, I have been following a few items on eBay. Almost every seller whether a store front or individual has as their preferred or accepted (mostly accepted which I take it means exclusively) "Credit or Debit card through Paypal". Can someone elabourate on this?
I have purchased stuff before from vendors and was able to pay by credit card through their checkout with no Paypal account on my part. I have avoided Paypal for a long time because to put it bluntly, they had a LOT of legal and ethical issues I didn't like. I see from looking at their site that since being sued in class action and then being fined by a couple of states they now at least list a phone number if you look for it. Okay, so lets say I am ready for this since if you want to buy anything off the bay is it about mandatory. How would you set this up? I take it that when I see "credit card accepted through Paypal" I need a Paypal account myself. Correct?
I suppose a personal account is easiest since my buying at eBay is about once a year. Okay fine. When I set this up should I get a separate savings account at the bank and affiliate it with that? I really don't want anyone having access to my primary accounts. If I associate it with a credit card, is this going to waive my buyer protection rights if something goes amiss? I mean, is the card "stuck" with being debited by Paypal no matter if I think it has been over charged? Again, these terms are not very clear on the PP site. Thanks guys. Sorry to sound so dumb but this is new to me.
Regards, Todd
I have purchased stuff before from vendors and was able to pay by credit card through their checkout with no Paypal account on my part. I have avoided Paypal for a long time because to put it bluntly, they had a LOT of legal and ethical issues I didn't like. I see from looking at their site that since being sued in class action and then being fined by a couple of states they now at least list a phone number if you look for it. Okay, so lets say I am ready for this since if you want to buy anything off the bay is it about mandatory. How would you set this up? I take it that when I see "credit card accepted through Paypal" I need a Paypal account myself. Correct?
I suppose a personal account is easiest since my buying at eBay is about once a year. Okay fine. When I set this up should I get a separate savings account at the bank and affiliate it with that? I really don't want anyone having access to my primary accounts. If I associate it with a credit card, is this going to waive my buyer protection rights if something goes amiss? I mean, is the card "stuck" with being debited by Paypal no matter if I think it has been over charged? Again, these terms are not very clear on the PP site. Thanks guys. Sorry to sound so dumb but this is new to me.
Regards, Todd