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Can one of our Artisan Shave Soap Vendors recreate the Infamous Manantiales?

I never got the opportunity to try the infamous La Toja Manantiales Shave Soap so my knowledge about this soap is Zero. I don't know if it was more of a solid shave soap, soft soap, or cream/croap. Was the fragrance different from that of the La Toja Shave Stick? These questions I ask because I am curious about the possibilities of trying to recreate or at least come very close to recreating this infamous shave soap by one of our great Artisan Soap makers we have here. QCS, Mystic Water, Mike's Natural Soaps. Could this be LEGALLY done if we were able to provide some small samples and maybe an ingredient list. Could we also have one of them make a Shave Stick similar to La Toja with Tallow. I know that I am a big fan of the La Toja shave stick and its unique fragrance that gives you a hint of the mineral salt. I would love it if QCS was able to capture that great fragrance especially with their shave creams. Now I have a few tubes of La Toja shave cream, but it does not at least to me have that great fragrance that you get with the shave stick, plus most of these vendors put such great ingredients into all their shave soaps and creams that my skin really loves. Basically can a knock off version of Manantiales and La Toja shave stick with tallow be created LEGALLY?
Why,..it would never be the same, people would complain about it on here as they compared it to the real formula and the maker would loose money.

Because others have posted pics of the original La Toja shave stick with the ingredient list showing it contained tallow. Many of those that remember the original have said that as good as the current shave stick is...the original with tallow was so much better.
Recreating a specific scent is almost impossible. In fact, most companies cannot even do this themselves. Most professional companies outsource their scenting to large scent houses. Not knowing how a scent is made, whether it is natural or synthetic, which notes it had, etc. makes it nearly impossible to recreate.
Recreating a specific scent is almost impossible. In fact, most companies cannot even do this themselves. Most professional companies outsource their scenting to large scent houses. Not knowing how a scent is made, whether it is natural or synthetic, which notes it had, etc. makes it nearly impossible to recreate.

This tells you how little I actually know about the complete process of soap making as I was more worried that creating the soap to perform as Manantiales did would be the most difficult process. I was kinda in hopes that the fragrance would be the easy part of the process....Looks like I was kinda WRONG! Thanks Matt for your response and Michelle I too can send you a sample piece of th La Toja Shave Stick . It is a unique fragrance at least for me.
Matthew is right, it's almost impossible to recreate someone else's fragrance blend exactly - even if you know what oils they used (and you usually don't, or at least not all of them). You would not only have to guess the right components but the proportions too.

Recreating a specific scent is almost impossible. In fact, most companies cannot even do this themselves. Most professional companies outsource their scenting to large scent houses. Not knowing how a scent is made, whether it is natural or synthetic, which notes it had, etc. makes it nearly impossible to recreate.

OK, that's it... somebody get Mike from Mike's Natural Soaps in here and we can say the makers of the three BEST soaps have all weighed in... this is too cool.

[/end soap nerd] :letterk1:...


B&B's Man in Italy
I heard that the Henkel Iberica group is now taking in consideration to reintroduce again the Manantiales shave soap. I actually never got an answer to my second e-mail, but if that will be done I'm going to stock up heavily. The latest version of the Manantiales de La Toja (without tallow) is one of my all-time favourite shave soaps. Our friend Emanuel (oversaturn) is keeping me updated.


The Lather Maestro
Why,..it would never be the same, people would complain about it on here as they compared it to the real formula and the maker would loose money.


A soap is a soap, and if it has rabid fans a copy will never be appreciated by them.
Wow, this would be really big and great news if production was started back up.

I heard that the Henkel Iberica group is now taking in consideration to reintroduce again the Manantiales shave soap. I actually never got an answer to my second e-mail, but if that will be done I'm going to stock up heavily. The latest version of the Manantiales de La Toja (without tallow) is one of my all-time favourite shave soaps. Our friend Emanuel (oversaturn) is keeping me updated.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I'd bet that mretzloff could, but from what I hear, he may already be making stuff that's even better.
I can't believe nobody else has mentioned this, but the La Toja Stick isn't really THAT much different. Its much cheaper, and you can even put it in an expensive and awkward to use bowl if you'd like
I can't believe nobody else has mentioned this, but the La Toja Stick isn't really THAT much different. Its much cheaper, and you can even put it in an expensive and awkward to use bowl if you'd like

I love the La Toja Shave Stick, but I have never tried the Manantiales Shave Cream so I have no reference point to agree or disagree. If there is not really much difference then I will be honest and say that I would probably just stick with the La Toja Shave Stick, but I would at least purchase and try Manantiales.
Judging from the 3017 thread, the puck doesn't last as long as you'd think, and the fancy bowl was impractical for lathering. The stick seems close enough IMHO.
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