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can I have a scuttle repainted and reglazed?

Got a scuttle but the paint is worn in some areas, it's a stoneware scuttle and I love the dimensions and the heat retention. Is it possible to sand the existing glaze off, repaint it and then have it reglazed at a pottery studio?

Just wondering if anyone has attempted this.
Got a scuttle but the paint is worn in some areas, it's a stoneware scuttle and I love the dimensions and the heat retention. Is it possible to sand the existing glaze off, repaint it and then have it reglazed at a pottery studio?

Just wondering if anyone has attempted this.

The short answer is no. Pottery, even stoneware is fired to a very high temperature, so if there is even the tiniest chip to crack it will become larger or come apart all together. If your scuttle is painted as opposed to glazed, any remaining paint might react badly in the kiln.
My suggestion is to find the original potter and have him/her make you another one or have a another pottery duplicate the dimensions of your piece.

Lori @ Georgetown Pottery
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