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Can I ever expect to get barber-like results with a straight razor?

Hello again everyone,

Despite general shaving frustration and the fact that I am currently growing a beard, I have been thinking a lot about buying a straight-razor lately. (Most likely a faux-tortoise Dovo Special, probably 5/8" for those of you who are curious.)

I have had five "professional" Shavette shaves in my life, and have been incredibly happy with four of them. The fifth was the closest shave I've ever had, but also the most irritation I've ever had...I couldn't shave for days afterward, but I blame 1000+ follow-up passes with a Fusion for that. While the others haven't quite been BBS in all directions, they were very close nonetheless. My skin looked fantastic and I was completely pleased with all of them afterward. I have often thought that if I could get those kinds of shaves at home, I would be in (shave) heaven.

So, my question is this: can I ever expect to be able to get those kinds of results with my own straight-razor? Obviously not straight away, I know there will be a learning curve, and I am likely to get terrible shaves and/or tear my face up for a while at first. But, eventually? The straight-razor shaves I've had in the past have all been from professionals with a lot of experience, and they also all said that it's much easier to shave someone else than it is to shave yourself.

Your thoughts?




My elbows leak
Staff member
You can expect to get BETTER results than from a Barber.
No one knows your face like you do, and with practice and diligence the results can be far more effective.
Do remember that it takes time, and it takes a dedicated effort to learn the process.
While visibly good shaves can happen fairly quickly, the smooth feeling close shaves don't.
It takes time to learn and many folks get discouraged and give up too soon.
Good luck.
Listen to what you are saying. First you never had a straight shave you had a shavette shave-a big difference. Then you had irritation , not BBS in all directions. I don't think that's something to want to emulate at home.

At one time barbers were trained to use a straight and the best shave you ever got in your life was from a barber. That's why guys went to them. These days barbers are the last places to go for a shave and any advice they give you should be taken with a grain of sand unless you have an old timer around who has been doing this continuously all his life and there ain't many like that left around. You should be able to shave yourself far better with a real straight than any current barber can.

You'll just have to be patient and learn the skills and in a few months you will know the truth.
I never really tore my face up when I was learning initially, but the answer to your question is an emphatic YES. If have the desire and put in the time & effort, you can do better than any barber. No one knows your face like you, even the best of barbers, though some are much better than others.
In response to the question, can you get a professional-quality, smooth, perfect shave with a straight-razor that you use yourself...?

...Yes you can. I do. It takes a LOT of practice and dilligence and care...but you can get it.
About 20 years ago I had an office next door to a couple of old school barbers, one of whom told me that he did not shave customers because "I can't shave you as well as you can shave yourself." For the reasons that have been said here - that barber can't know your face as well as you do. That's been good enough for me.

Oh my yes :001_smile

The shaves from my straights are the smoothest, closest and most confortables shaves I have ever had !

Good luck !

Have fun !

Best regards

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