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can anyone id this razor for me

hi all! from a newbie, I have been lurking and digesting all the excellent info on this site - but this is my first post and I was hoping that someone could id this razor for me there are no makers marks on it at all - no names, numbers if fact nothing at all - it look $DSCN6120.jpg$DSCN6117.jpg$DSCN6115.jpg$DSCN6114.jpg$DSCN6113.jpgs as if it was silver plated by the tarnish, I have not tried to clean it yet, but looking forward to seeing what it looks like. I know I will have to be careful as the rest of the silver could come of if I am too rough so just a gentle toothpaste clean i think!

anyhow any ideas would b gratefully appreciated
Do the baking soda and foil trick and see where it gets you. It may be a german clone of a gillette. Give it a try, some of them are quite good. This one doesn't look bad at all, some of them have a flat base plate and are just bad.
I'd say a German clone as well. There are a few signs to help distinguish between Gillette single rings and others like them. The number of teeth a Gillette has will be 14 while many others contain 13, markings obviously, and the bullets are usually more pointed on a Gillette than others. Clean it up and maybe you will find a mark, if not it will still be a nice little razor.
Thanks elmerwood, there are definitely no marks, and 13 teeth - though I am not disappointed that it is not a Gillette because it is a very nice razor, definitely silver plated and at nearly 50 grams a nice weight, so very pleased to have something a little different.
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