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Calling All Veg Lovers, All Ye Chosen!

One BrianW, someone who has not been chosen, has made an outstanding offer.


As you all know the annual extravaganza is on

Maybe it's the rain here in Pottsylvania all day.....or maybe my brain is just addled.


As with all the previous fundraiser's I have this huge jar of quarters.

How this for everybody wins ?

For every copper donation 2 quarters to the Sue Moore Fund
For every bronze donation 4 quarters to the Sue Moore Fund
For every silver donation 8 quarters to the Sue Moore Fund
For every Gold donation 10 quarters to the Sue Moore Fund

Now thats a winner!!!!!

and for youse denizens of the nib..... If we pass 1,000 quarters I will trade a Parker "51" Vac for a TWSBI (shudder) and wear the VEG for a day

Now if that is not a incentive I don't know what is !!!


Please state in the contribs thread what badge you purchased.

Please Contribute so BrianW can Rock The Veg!

Thank You!
We need to make this happen... I'm going to dig deep to ensure I do my part

I'd hate to not be one of the names he curses on that great day of veg
Let's go guys/gals....this is for a good cause!! Also....there's nothing that would be better than to have Brian wearing the Veg while writing with a TWSBI!! Besides you get a cool badge ;-)
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