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C. O. Bigelow Colognes

Are the C. O. Bigelow colognes generally regarded as good products? I know they are MUCH cheaper than many colognes on the market but are they also of lower quality?

I am interested in their Elixir Black and Elixir Green.
I bought one and considered it a mistake. The body sprays are not bad. But the colognes lack projection and have very poor longevity.

I like CO Bigelow especially their Elixir Black and White. They're not going to blow you away, but they're a good bang for your buck imo.
I like them as well, I don't think they are too strong. Great if you work in an office so you won't bother others with a scent that's too strong. I do think they don't have much of a staying power however. At least for me. I plan on getting the black, blue and the white very soon. Remember YMMV!
I think the elixirs smell terrible. Just a mess of headache-inducing synthetics that stick like napalm. I accidentally got some errant spray on my hand and on a shopping bag when I was smelling this stuff in the store and this stuff just pounded on and on and on. Couldn't scrub that crap off my hand no matter how hard I tried.
I think the elixirs smell terrible. Just a mess of headache-inducing synthetics that stick like napalm. I accidentally got some errant spray on my hand and on a shopping bag when I was smelling this stuff in the store and this stuff just pounded on and on and on. Couldn't scrub that crap off my hand no matter how hard I tried.

I'm with pma on this one. Once I was in BBW with my wife while she was picking out some candles and she sprayed some of it on me without me seeing what she was doing. It pretty much ruined the rest of the trip to the mall. Synthetic hot mess.
i have the elixer black and have found it to be a perfectly pleasant, budget frag. it might not ignite the world ablaze, but then, who cares? my wife has commented that she sorta likes it and she finds most of my "budget stuff" to be totally abhorrent.
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