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C.O. Bigelow CANNED! Foam

So I asked my mother (I live at home) to stop in Bath and Body Works (from here out BBW) to pick me up some shaving cream, specifically I described it as "The green one that says "Made by Proraso""

She got me a can of the stuff, and I like the way it feels as far as the mintyness goes, but it's very drying and doesn't feel slick at all after it's been on my face just a moment.

Do you think maybe I didn't wet my face enough for it to retain its slickness? Or do you think it's because it's canned and would have propellants and such added?

Does anyone have experience with the Bigelow/Proraso canned? (I don't prefer a can) Or is the cream/soap totally different?
It's probably a totally different formulation from the cream. No experience with the can so I can't say for sure
Never used the canned foam but I would have to think that it must be different than the cream/soap. The propellants required and what not. That said, I have heard that the canned stuff from Proraso is about as good canned stuff gets.
Just be thankful that you got something you could shave with. I asked my sister, who lives in Germany, to get me some Speick shaving soap for Christmas. I unwrapped it and am now the proud owner of a pack of Speick...shampoo!
I got some of this too. The menthol is definitely there and gave the same amount of kick as the tube I thought. Mine also dried me out a bit and i set it aside for when I'm in more of a hurry.
So I asked my mother (I live at home) to stop in Bath and Body Works (from here out BBW) to pick me up some shaving cream, specifically I described it as "The green one that says "Made by Proraso""

She got me a can of the stuff, and I like the way it feels as far as the mintyness goes, but it's very drying and doesn't feel slick at all after it's been on my face just a moment.

Do you think maybe I didn't wet my face enough for it to retain its slickness? Or do you think it's because it's canned and would have propellants and such added?

Does anyone have experience with the Bigelow/Proraso canned? (I don't prefer a can) Or is the cream/soap totally different?

Tell mom next time to get off the can and get back to the tube!
Agreed that its probably the best canned goo out there, but it still has all the weaknesses inherent of canned goo.

The last time I was in B&BW that was all they had, there wasn't a tube of Bigelow in site.
Uuugh! I'm a hugenormous fan of bothe Proraso and Bigelow. But why in the world would they create canned goo and tarnish their brand. Boooo.
I have the canned foam as well and it does work better than any other canned stuff I've tried. It isn't as good as the tube, but great in pinch.
I got a can of Proraso foam for my dad, this was the only way he was ever going to experience anything by Proraso. He has no desire to try brush and cream or soap (or DE for that matter). His response was "been there done that not doing it again." Oh well more for me. Haven't heard back on how the canned foam is but, it can't be any worse than the Gillette Foamy he uses now. Maybe a foot in the door. Also got him some Floid Vigoroso 400ml LE. Which he said smelled great. We shall see. Maybe if I told him the tube of Proraso was brushless.....LOL
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I have a couple of cans of the C.O. Bigelow that I got from SWMBO for Christmas. It's alright, but I'm experiencing the very same thing you are in regards to the lather being really thin. It's not horrible, but I don't think I'll be renewing my stock of it after I'm done with it. It's not quite the same as the shave cream in the tube.
I've kept using it because I'm still working on my brush lathering (which I seem to make progress with but still having trouble getting it to be useable)

Can't wait to try the tube cream based on your responses on this thread and that which I have read elsewhere. Good to know it's almost the same but probably dry do to being canned.
. . . Maybe if I told him the tube of Proraso was brushless.....LOL

I actually know of a woman who uses Bigelow cream to shave her privates. Evidently the tubes claim to be able to be used either with or without a brush.

As for Gillette Foamy, that stuff is the driest, most drying shave foam I have ever used. Barbasol is much better (I have been known to travel with a small can) but I prefer my puck and brush. Colgate wasn't bad for a foam either but I haven't seen it available other than NOS in years. I may have to order a travel-size Proraso can of foam and try it, their croap isn't a bad product so hopefully their foam at least isn't utter crap.
I wonder if she's enjoying the menthol tingle? :wink2:

Didn't think of it that way, she is sort of kinky. Maybe I will have to ask when the subject comes up again. She seems to be intelligent so I assume she is avoiding the sensitive parts when she applies her CO Bigelow.
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