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C&E Sienna cream

After some research it seems that Crabtree and Evelyn no longer sell my favorite sent Sienna in a cream in the US. I read somewhere online that TOBS has a scent that is similar, however, my mind is failing me and I can't remember the scent that was supposed to be close (maybe rose?). I am hoping someone out there has a better memory then I do.
Hmmm I've tried the whole TOBS line and haven't found one that smells too much like Sienna (I miss the shave cream, too).

The entire C&E company was recently restructured and I think (correct me if I'm wrong) there is a new controlling entity/parent company.
Apparently they are looking to expand the mens range a little (which would explain why WIL recently got a complete line).

I hope they bring back Sienna cream in the near future, but at least the excellent soap is still available.
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