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C&E Best vs. Super

So I recently bought both a C&E BBB and a C&E Super Badger. I've used each a few times now and I have some observations to share as well as a preference.

The BBB is just a bit smaller than the Super and feels just a bit stiffer but that could be partly due to the higher loft on the Super. They both whip up lather quite nicely (I use VDH soap).

My preference has to be the Super. The larger sized knot seems to soak in a bit more water than the BBB. It also holds more lather as a result of the size. Being the "Super" it feels nicer lathering my face than the Best.

My only wish was that the Super had an easier to grip lip at the bottom more like the BBB.

I paid $25 for the BBB and $45 for the Super. I can honestly say that I feel like the extra $20 to bump up to the Super is well worth it. Now the problem is I find myself wondering what the next step up is like.
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