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Burt Bee's?

While strolling the aisle in Target today I came across Burt Bee's natural shave creme. How is it? If anyone cares to give some info on this good or bad I'm listening.
It doesn't lather at all. It has a hippie type smell. I see little (if any) value in brushless creams. Overall I found it to be totally useless. :001_rolle
Even though it is brushless, it worked well for me. I don't use it very often because I prefer whipping up lather in a bowl to smearing lotion on my face.

It's another classic example of YMMV.

Reviews here.
It's brushless and utterly terrible. It has a honey like consistency that clogs your razor like a car stuck in the mud.
I saw it at Target, too, and couldn't resist a sniff. Did not care for the smell at all, & promptly returned it to its place on the shelf.
although most members are giving Burt's Bees a thumbs down, I happen to like the stuff ... especially their bar soap. I use it almost every day.

I like the smell of BB's Men's line ... even more so now that warm weather is approaching. It will be popping up more and more in my rotation throughout the spring and summer.

True, the shave cream doesn't produce a lot of lather. Its not supposed to. But that doesn't prevent it from giving me a great shave whenever I use it.

The ASB feels a little sticky until its thoroughly dry, but I'm so OCD about brand names that I can't use BB shave cream without following it with the matching ASB.

Today, I bought the BB hair gel ... it was on clearance sale for half-price. I've seen this sale at several different brands of chain- stores, so it may be something that the manufacturer is discontinuing. And I don't even use hair gel, at least not until my hair gets well-beyond the "I need a haircut" point. But its good to have around to keep things in place until I can get to the barbershop.
It doesn't lather at all. It has a hippie type smell. I see little (if any) value in brushless creams. Overall I found it to be totally useless. :001_rolle

Totally agree. I picked up a Burt Bee's sample pack and gave this stuff a try and it was the worst thing I have used since I switched over from the canned stuff.
On some of the Burt's Bees products you see Burt with a full beard. Now you know why.


I picked it up a while back because BB normally has nice stuff and I tend to like latherless creams.

I was surprised at how terrible this stuff is. It leaves a layer of wax that makes the razor drag like you are shaving dry, clogs the razor like you wouldn't believe and leaves a layer of gunk on the razor that is nearly impossible to wash off. I tried it a few times and tried a few different things but it was totally worthless.

On the plus side, it smells prety good.
Totally agree. I picked up a Burt Bee's sample pack and gave this stuff a try and it was the worst thing I have used since I switched over from the canned stuff.

Fortunately, mine also came in the sample pack. Marked down to like $2 for the kit at my local Meijer. Had I payed full price for this horrid product, I would have been very mad. :bored:
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